Payday Loans Centrelink No Credit Check Alternatives
- Written by a contributor

A payday loan stands as the best funding if you need an emergency loan. Like you might have heard, payday loan lenders do not run credit checks while issuing the loans.
However, to get a payday loan, you need a steady flow of income—which proves that you can pay back the loan. It can be employment income or Centrelink benefits in Australia.
Meaning of a payday loan
A payday loan represents the loan that you get from a lender who requires you to repay at the next payday—hence the name. Payday loan lenders usually don't run credit checks for the borrowers, and they use that to justify the high interest rates.
Payday loan lenders usually target desperate individuals with low credit scores and bad histories. And that's why you may need some other alternatives that you can get when receiving Centrelink income.
What are Centrelink loans?
Let me start with the Centrelink income, which is the income that people with disabilities and unemployed receive at each end month. The Australian government funds the Centrelink income to its people as a way of supporting them.
Now, Centrelink loans are only available to those who receive Centrelink income. Therefore, the employed people in Australia cannot access Centrelink loans.
Where to get payday loans with Centrelink income, and no Credit check alternatives
It's possible to get payday loans while receiving Centrelink income in Australia, but are there any alternatives to that? Well, that's what I'm going to show you today. There is a chance of getting a payday loan despite bad credit and no job as long as you have Centrelink benefits.
Where to get payday loans with Centrelink income
Gday Loans
You can get instant cash loans on centrelink 24/7 while receiving at least $300 per week from Centrelink benefits. In addition, they will also consider you if you have a bad credit score. This is because Sunshine has a valid operation license in Australia, and it follows the Australian rules.
To operate as a payday lender in Australia, you should not charge interest rates. The government ruled that there should be a flat fee of not more than 20% plus a monthly fee of 4%. Therefore, Sunshine is not exceptional to those rules.
The application is entirely online on their secure website, and it's straightforward, with no hidden fees. In addition, after they approve your loan, you will bet the funds into your account within a few hours.
Centrelink advance payments
If you receive Centrelink benefits, you can apply for an advance payment before the next check arrives. In most cases, you repay the loan within six months. The good thing is that there are no interest rates or hidden fees with these advance payments.
However, to receive a Centrelink advance payment, you must prove that you can repay it without getting into a debt cycle.
Friends and family
Another alternative to a payday loan from Centrelink income is requesting funding from a friend or a family member. Of course, they will not conduct a credit check before they give you a loan. However, you better repay them if you still want to keep healthy relationships with them.
We both know that failing to repay the money from friends or relatives can lead to severely broken relationships, which is not a good idea. So think again if you cannot refund on the agreed time.
Get a No Interest Loan (NIL)
You can get a no-interest loan while in Australia and receiving Centrelink benefits to get back on your feet. However, in these harsh economic times, it's becoming a bit harder to cater for all bills, and that's where you may have to get a No Intrest loan.
No interest loan means that you only pay back what you borrowed within 24 months. This kind of loan could be the best alternatives to payday loans for Centrelink income individuals.
Also, you don't have to worry about your bad credit history because you can still get a no-interest loan.
My take
If there is some other way you can get funding without applying for a payday loan, please do so. Payday loans can be costly if you don't manage them well. In addition, if you take a loan, ensure that you only take what you need. And that will reduce the chances of misusing borrowed money.
However, creating multiple sources of income is the best way to have a stable financial life. And you will also manage to stay away from debts—because some do not end well.
* This is general information only. It is not financial advice. Seek information from a financial professional prior to decision making.