What to Look for in a Psychologist When Seeking One Out in Melbourne
- Written by NewsServices.com
There are numerous psychology services available in Melbourne, Australia. However, if you are looking for one that you will be happy with, then it is useful to consider a few pointers. Above all, it needs to be someone that will listen to problems and not judge someone because of them. As well as this, they need to have a scientifically trained mind concerning how our brain works and considers things.
So, let us think about the Psychologist in Melbourne and just what it is someone is looking for from them by way of help.
Someone visiting a psychologist will want to feel an understanding from them. This is not about a psychologist having been through the same problem but about them having the ability to listen to a problem and deal with it at face value. This comes from years of study and experience to not have experienced something but to know how best to deal with it. Different approaches may need to be tried, ranging from talking and strategies put in place to medication.
A shared understanding may come, however, from helping someone deal with stressful situations. There cannot be anyone who has not faced a stressful situation at some point in their life, young or old. This may be the case for the psychologist themselves when they had to juggle the time to study with earning money to pay their way through university. There is then that immediate empathy.
There is nothing worse for a patient than feeling like they are being judged. So, a look and tone of voice from the psychologist that indicates this is not the case will always prove helpful.
Addictions are something that could be judged and something psychologists are experts at dealing with and so not judging. They will, instead, look to assess a patient regarding the ways they can be helped to wean themselves off the addiction, whether straight away or gradually.
Helping someone is about good communication and a psychologist is adept at this. They will be aware, through training, about how to form a professional relationship with a patient, not crossing any boundaries, yet forming a rapport that is developed and based on trust to the extent that anything can be said and brought into the open. The truth cannot hurt when it is used to help someone. It is about that being felt by all concerned.
Qualified Professional
There is no substitute for training in how to help the mind through talking as well as learning about the science of it through academic study. Then to have that knowledge and experience in the area that a person needs help in, whether it be to help with stress, addiction, eating disorders, PTSD, or self-esteem, is invaluable for that individual to benefit from. There are many areas of psychology, and qualified psychologists will cover them all. Many will have specialist experience in a particular type of problem that needs resolving to do with the mind.
To act as qualified professionals, psychologists in Australia are required to undertake 3-year accredited psychology sequences before commencing a 4-year accredited psychology course. After that, they will complete a two-year internship or a 2-year master’s degree. Finally, they apply for general registration as a psychologist. Only then can they work as a fully qualified psychologist. So, it is comforting to know that they have had all this training and are not just offering unfounded pearls of wisdom.
The years of study will automatically mean that psychologists are older and have experienced more of life to be able to help many people through it.
Those practicing psychology will have certain characteristics that become important to engage with patients. A lot of trust in the psychologist is needed and sensitivity to cultural differences. Coming over as non-judgemental and being a good communicator is essential. Also, both patience and empathy are required. The latter, of course, relates to understanding.
In summary, finding a good psychologist is not only about finding one with the required credentials but also one that a person can have the required rapport with to be helped. It is about receiving understanding and feeling like that is the case and about not being judged. This is part of the training, but it takes a special person to become a psychologist, who will listen to other people’s problems without judging them and come up with strategies that will help a person navigate their way through life when it once seemed so stressful and a provider of temptations everywhere.