Are There Any States That Restrict CBD Products?
Since the year 1937 cannabis has been federally illegal. CBD, although it doesn't contain any intoxicating qualities has been illegal as long as cannabis was. But in the year 2018 month of December, the use of hemp-based CBD was legalized in all 50 states. So even though hemp, CBD and marijuana were considered harmful substances before; but later it was legalized at the national level by the federal authorities.
The legalization may be good news for regular CBD users. But you must also be a bit careful before buying CBD in your state. Although CBD products can be found throughout all the states of the country, each state has its own rules and regulations regarding the purchase and use of CBD products.
In simple words, the federal laws are made for legislation purposes and will not override state law provisions. Even if it does it will do so in exceptional and rare cases. Therefore, there is no reason to think that because your state allows the use of CBD, so the neighboring states will too. As the neighboring states may have implemented some different rules on the use of CBD. Hence pay close attention to any nationwide legalization and then make any purchase.
Before moving on to which states allow the use of CBD products. And what are the types of CBD products that you can use; let us first understand how CBD and its source influence the legislation. Once you know this, you can better differentiate between the legal and illegal use of CBD.
Source and usage of CBD
CBD can be extracted from two sources. This is either marijuana or hemp. Most of the US states restrict the use of CBD that comes from marijuana. This is because various potential risks get associated with the use of CBD that is extracted from marijuana. On the other hand, CBD products that are sourced from hemp are allowed by most of the US states.
Besides the source of CBD, another aspect of why each state's law differs is the consumer’s intention of CBD usage. For example, most states allow the medical use of CBD. Strict regulations in a few states affiliate CBD in the medical industry only. On the other hand, some states allow the recreational use of CBD only if the CBD is not extracted from marijuana.
In short, the regulations regarding the use of CBD are dependent on two vital points. The source of extraction of CBD and the intention of its use. So, if you need your CBD dosage and are planning to cross the border of your state, make a quick search of what regulations the state has regarding the use of CBD.
States that allow all types of CBD
As stated on, only a few lenient states allow the use of every type of CBD irrespective of its source and intent of use. Vermont, for example, allows its residents to use any CBD. No matter if it is hemp or marijuana-based. Or if you are using it for medical or recreational purposes. In states like Vermont, CBD is fully legalized and can be used by anyone and everyone. Irrespective of the reason for use.
Besides Vermont, eleven other states that fall under this category are Alaska, Washington, District of Columbia, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, California, Maine, Michigan, Illinois, and Massachusetts. In total, twelve states including Vermont come under this category as of 2020.
States that don’t allow marijuana-based CBD
There are a total of ten US states that have banned the use of any marijuana-based CBD. In these states, it is illegal for the residents to either consume or distribute any CBD products that are sourced from marijuana.
These states are Indiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Kansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, South Dakota. If you are from South Dakota and want to buy a hemp-based CBD product, it is better that you ask your healthcare professional about it. Because; some CBD products are still illegal even though it is sourced from hemp and not marijuana.
States that allow only the medical use of marijuana-based CBD
As of 2020, 28 states allow marijuana-based CBD only for medical purposes and not for any recreational purpose. Hence these states allow only limited use of CBD. The states are:
New Jersey, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Alabama, Arizona, New York, Ohio, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Louisiana, and Wyoming.
States that ban both hemp and marijuana-based CBD
There are only two states in the US that are Nebraska and Idaho that don’t allow any type of CBD usage. Under their jurisdiction, no CBD products are allowed until it has a 0% THC concentration. The Idaho state government considers CBD to be a controlled substance, unlike other states.
Hence it is very important to know your state laws and then only purchase or store any CBD product. Because what is legal usage in one state is illegal in other states irrespective of its intention of use or source of extraction.
Other than choosing trusted CBD products like, it’s crucial to take a look at the state laws before purchasing or distributing CBD products to avoid fines and possession charges. Especially when you are traveling or relocating to another state, try taking some extra precautions. The laws will apply even if you are not a permanent resident of the state. Hence you must be extra careful.