Bilingual legal: the benefits of being a bilingual lawyer
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If you’re a lawyer who speaks multiple languages, chances are you have the potential to take on so many more clients. Australia is an incredibly diverse society, where millions of people speak a language other than English.
In fact, English is the only language spoken at home by 73% of the population, meaning other homes speak languages including Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Italian, Greek, Hindi and others.
So, court lawyers in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and other major conurbations can really benefit from speaking more than one language.
Here is why.
You are more likely to be hired
By someone who speaks your language. Many migrants to Australia are still learning English, and the Australian legal system can be complex for even well-versed English speakers. Therefore, many people who speak English as a second language may be hesitant to enlist the services of a lawyer who only speaks English.
But if you speak, for example, Mandarin, you are opening yourself up to a much higher demographic as they will be more likely to choose you as you can speak to them in their language. If you can help your clients more easily navigate the difficult legal jargon that comes with Australian law (or any state’s law, for that matter), then you are in a good position for taking on more clients!
Word will spread about your service
There are many reasons migrants in Australia may require a lawyer: business operations, immigration requirements, property buying and more. If you are able to provide an efficient, bilingual service to one client, then they will be happy to recommend you to other speakers of the same language.
Word-of-mouth referral can be a great way of bringing in clients from a particular community, and if you make things clear and concise in yours and their language, then they will most likely tell their friends about you.
Firms hire bilingual lawyers
Australia is becoming more multicultural and this means more people requiring bilingual lawyers. Being bilingual is helpful for anyone’s resume, but if you can prove that you can help a particular language speaker navigate the complex world of legal jargon in their own language, this makes you an asset to a legal firm.
Furthermore, there are many Australian law firms that advertise on a platform of being bilingual and being able to help their community through their spoken language, another reason that makes you, a bilingual lawyer, in higher demand.
If a crime occurs, there are often witnesses who don’t speak English
As Australia, and especially our major cities, is highly multilingual, there are often people who witness certain criminal events that don’t speak much English. This could mean you are the first person chosen to help said witness provide a fair and objective account of what they witnessed, as well as prepare them to testify in court if necessary.
It will be great for your career & you will help others
Australia is a diverse country, with so many people speaking a range of different languages from across the world. If you’re a lawyer who specialises in a language other than English, especially one of the main languages other than English (LOTE) in Australia, then you are in a great position to further your career as well as helping people to better communicate in a courtroom setting.