5 Reasons to Use a Spill Pallet When Transporting Hazardous Materials
- Written by NewsServices.com

Do you work with chemicals? Is it your job to handle them at the warehouse or supervise their transportation? Yes, then you understand how challenging this work is. Hazmat or hazardous materials are a risk to store or transport. However, no industry can survive without it. And even common men need to use hazmat, like oil & gas, in their daily life.
There is no avoiding hazmat, but you can take precautions while dealing with them. When you are transporting any hazmat, taking the best precautions is of utmost importance. Only that can ensure that there is no spill or drip during their transportation.
Even if there is a small spill, it can lead to chaos & massive accidents. It not only harms the vehicles. It also puts your employee and the environment at major risks. Therefore, the transportation of chemicals requires the best equipment, which is a spill pallet. A spill pallet or a spill containment pallet is quite an efficient piece of tool. Let’s learn more about this below.
Spill pallet- What are these?
Spill pallets are the ultimate storage solutions. It has a built-in steel or plastic tray. The tray soaks any drip or leak from drum containers holding hazmat. Spill containment pallets are most specifically used to soak up any spill from oils, fuels, chemicals, or waste products.
These pallets are designed in such a manner that they capture the tiniest of spills from oils/fuels before they reach a level which is uncontrollable. If the leak isn’t contained initially, it can lead to fire and other incidents harming the environment and the handlers.
A spill pallet is a cost-effective solution to contain leaks when shipping or transporting hazmat.
5 reasons why spill pallet is a must while transporting hazmat
1. Spill pallets makes it easy to detect drips
We all know by now that even a small hazmat leak can lead to a big incident. Thus, a normal pallet will not help you in containing the spill. It will keep leaking into the vehicle transporting it. That can cause severe risks to the employees. Also, a common pallet makes it challenging to detect & clean a spill.
However, a spill pallet, with its modern design, not only contains the spill. It also makes it easy to notice the chemical drip. Also, some spill pallets have a little drain beneath them. It makes cleaning the spilled chemical easy.
2. Spill pallet saves cleaning money & time
If there is a chemical spill, cleaning it is a headache. Not only is it dangerous, but it also requires massive amounts of money and time. It can cause a huge loss for the company. When you use a spill pallet, it leaks. Also, it has a built-in sump, which makes cleaning the spill relatively simple.
The practice of using spill pallets saves time, money, while protects everybody.
3. Investing in spill pallet is a long-term investment
As long as you are working with hazmat and transporting them, you will need spill pallets. They are the best way to protect everyone from severe injuries and in some cases, death. Thus, when you buy spill pallets for your company, you are making a long-term good investment. The only thing to do is ensure that the spill pallet you buy is durable & uses a sturdy material.
4. Spill pallet are accessible in multiple sizes & shapes
Every industry has different needs regarding spill pallets. Some require a pallet that can hold one drum container & some with three. Even the shapes preferences are different for all. The good news is that you can find spill pallets in any shape or size that you need. You can get customized ones, too, for shipping hazmat.
5. Spill pallet makes transportation easy
When you fit a spill containment pallet under a drum, you can move it easily. The transportation of chemicals is relatively easier due to the use of pallet even while storing them in a warehouse.
When a company is transporting hazmat, using spill pallets is non-negotiable. Not only a leak poses a risk to the ecosystem & workers handling them. But it also leads to loss for the company. Therefore, using a spill pallet can reduce all these risks. It is an affordable and long-term investment.