Preventing falls around the home for seniors
- Written by Vitality Club General Manager Gemma Whitley

As we age, our bodies change and we lose strength, mobility and balance which means slips, trips and falls can become more common. These falls can be incredibly stressful; not just for the person who has the fall, but also for family members and carers.
A majority of our clients at Vitality Club are over 65, and a lot of them come to us either after they have had a fall or because they want to help prevent them. Whilst falls are common in this age group, it is important not to dismiss them as ‘a natural part of getting older’, because you can help reduce them with some simple strategies.
Stay Active
Encouraging your loved ones to keep moving is crucial to maintaining strength and balance. Look for senior exercise classes or 1:1 sessions run by Accredited Exercise Physiologists to assist in staying active and decreasing the risk of falls.
Vision & Lighting
In addition to making sure regular eye checks are conducted, you can help seniors improve their vision at home by keeping blinds open during the day and lights on at night. You may like to consider installing night lights in the bedroom and hallways.
Review medication
Some medications have the potential to cause dizziness or drowsiness. Keep an up to date list of their medications and get their GP to review regularly.
Wear Safe Footwear
Ensure they wear footwear that is supportive and stable with a grippy sole. If someone you know likes wearing socks about the house, consider getting some with a grippy silicone base.
Make the Home Environment as safe as possible
It is important to be able to identify trip hazards in the home. By removing possible hazards you have the power to dramatically reduce your risk of falling.
* Carpets & rugs and rugs that have wrinkles or upturned edges can be a trip hazard. Ensure rugs are lying completely flat against the floor or remove them altogether.
* Ensure chairs are easy to stand up from and sturdy in nature. Tables and furnishings can obstruct pathways, so ensure there is ample space to walk around furniture. Especially if they are using an aid like a four wheel walker or walking stick.
* Wires and cords from electrical appliances can be difficult to see and very easy to trip over. Make sure all cords are out of walking areas and taped to the floor where necessary.
* If kitchen cupboards are up too high or low, they may cause a loss of balance when trying to reach for an object. Ensure all necessary items are stored in easy to reach places, preferably at waist height.
* Surface areas and floors may become slippery and cause falls if wet or obstructed. We recommend using silicon backed non-slip mats in the bathroom.
* Mark edges of steps or raised edges so they are easy to see.
* Encourage slow and steady movements on the stairs and use both handrails where available.
Home Modifications
To get help with identifying hazards, we suggest having an Occupational Therapist (OT) conduct a home safety assessment. OTs observe how the client mobilises around their home and can provide recommendations for home modifications and equipment such as grab rails, bath-tub removals and over the toilet aids. Following the assessment, the OT will provide a report and you can choose in consultation with your loved one which options would best meet their needs.
Have a plan
Knowing what to do if a fall happens may allow both them and you to feel more confident.
* Know who to call for help - keep a list of phone numbers by the phone or program the numbers of family and friends into speed dial
* Have a phone within reach at a low table
* Consider using a personal alarm device
* Let trusted family members or neighbours know how to get into the house in case they can't open the door for them
Get the care you need
It can be overwhelming to try and pre-empt everything, but you don’t have to! There are lots of wonderful services available to assist you in supporting your loved ones like organising a Home Care Package. Home Care Packages provide people with coordinated services subsidised by the government through My Aged Care.
At Vitality Club, we’re an industry-leading Home Care Package provider and our staff are highly trained with a deep understanding of the care journey. Contact us to find out more about the services on offer to your loved ones to help prevent falls and give older Australians the support they need.