The Importance of Being Happy with Yourself Before Getting to Know Somebody
Before you let someone into your life, you should make sure you are happy with who you are. Relationships, whether you are dating or making friends, are about making each other happy. You can’t make someone else happy if you can’t make yourself happy first.

Love yourself before others can love you
Not everyone agrees with this statement, but it makes sense. You can’t expect others to love you if you don’t love yourself. You also can’t learn to love someone else if you don’t love yourself.
You have to be happy by yourself before you can be happy with anyone else
You shouldn’t expect others to provide your happiness. It is essential to learn how to be happy on your own. That way, you can share that happiness with someone else. It is not a good idea to rely on anyone else to provide your happiness.
Also, your unhappiness may get in the way of forming a new relationship. Of course, not everyone is happy all the time. But if you are truly unhappy with who you are, you can’t expect to be happy with yourself once you are in a relationship.
Don’t base your happiness on your relationship status
It is never a healthy behavior to base your happiness on someone else, especially a romantic partner. This type of behavior often leads to failed relationships, which can make you feel even more unhappy with yourself.
People who base their happiness on others put too much pressure on themselves and their partners. This pressure to “fix” the other can ruin a relationship. This is why it is important to be happy on your own first rather than relying on a partner.
Work on yourself before you work on a relationship
Before getting to know someone, work on yourself. Improve who you are and never stop improving. Therapy can be a great option to work on yourself and stop being emotionally dependent on others.
Working on yourself involves knowing your own worth. It is so important to appreciate who you are as a person and your strong points so that you can head into the dating world confident. Going into a relationship feeling insecure is destined for failure.
Building a healthy relationship
Being happy with who you are is an important first step in building a healthy relationship. You and your partner or friend can have a healthier relationship if you don’t carry the extra baggage of emotional dependence. You have to know what you want. You cannot ponder the idea of how to become an escort and at the same time want a long term relationship.
Once you get into a relationship, it is important to have reasonable expectations. Communication is key. Don’t be afraid to discuss these types of things with your friend or partner.
We all want to build healthy and strong relationships with others, but it is challenging, if not impossible, if you are not happy with who you are as a person.
If you find that you constantly seek validation from others, you are insecure even around people you are comfortable with, or you base your happiness on others, you need to focus on working on yourself, creating your own happiness, and view yourself how you want others to view you.