A Basic Guide - What You Need for Putting Up a Fence
- Written by NewsServices.com

Fences are one of those essential objects that sometimes we do not notice are there until they are not there. Then everything feels so open and so exposed, litter can blow into our gardens or peoples dog’s escape, and now that it’s summer, without a fence, you can't enjoy sunbathing right next to your neighbours – who are also working on their tan.
If you have made your way to this piece, there is a good chance you have been sidetracked on your lunch break and have fallen down an internet rabbit hole, or you are, in fact, looking to put up a fence from start to finish. Whichever category you fall in, we hope you will find this piece insightful.
Choose Your Fence
First things first, there are two main fence styles to choose from: slatted and solid, but this is not the only choice you have to make.
There is so much to consider when you are choosing a fence for your garden or outside area. What material do you want it to be? What do you need it to do? (I.e., keep things in or out, or look aesthetically pleasing) How high do you need it to be? And do you have the legal rights for this height? Phew!
Where Will Your Fence Be Installed?
The logistics of where your fence is going to be installed can limit your options somewhat due to height restrictions and also which fence style would be best for you. Commonly, DIY garden enthusiasts opt for a shorter fence in the front, which makes the property look more inviting while creating a sense of private space, and the taller panels are usually used for the garden out at the back for both privacy and security. That being said, there are no rules here (apart from the legal ones), so do whatever it is your heart desires (within the realm of legal allowance).
What Tools Do You Need?
When building a fence, you will need a few tools that can help you get the job done. Some are more simple such as a leveler to make sure everything is even, and others can include big-ticket items for those who are wanting to get the job done fast and efficiently. If you find yourself wanting or needing to build fences as a regular activity, a good plan is to invest in a tool such as a post driver. Find high-quality post drivers for sale, and use one of these powerful tools to get your fence into the ground ASAP, with a steady foundation.
Do not forget other items such as a hammer, screwdriver, nails, and some concrete or cement to set that fence in place.