Can You Tell the Difference Between the Deep and Dark Web?
- Written by Bridget Black

When asked to define ‘the internet’, people often struggle. Is the internet the devices that we use to log onto the online world? Is it the cables that connect people from across the globe? Or, is it simply ‘Google’?
Many people are surprised to learn that the internet is actually made up of three separate components, and that not all websites are accessible via a standard search engine. Continue reading to discover the fascinating history behind the internet and tips as to how you can stay safe online.
What is the internet, anyway?
The definition of the internet actually lies within the word itself. The online world can be thought of as a large ‘network’ that connects physical devices all over the world. The components of the internet — cables (hundreds of thousands of which sit along the ocean floor), computers, routers, servers, satellites, and wifi towers, all communicate with each other to enable information to travel across the globe.
The internet actually originated as an academic research project, all the way back in 1969. By the 1990s, it had become a global commercial network and is now used by over 2 billion people around the world. Put simply, the modern world could not survive without the ability to communicate and exchange data online.
One of the defining factors of the internet is the fact that it is decentralised — no one owns it. Instead, hundreds of thousands of organisations, governments, and individuals operate their own networks and exchange data with one another.
The surface, deep, and dark webs
What many of us understand to be ‘the internet’ is actually only one component of the online world. The modern internet is divided into three components — the surface week, the deep web, and the dark web.
The surface web is the connection that you are using right now to read this article. It contains millions of web pages, blogs, articles, videos, gaming platforms, and more — the type of content you access on a day-to-day basis, without a second thought.
By contrast, the deep web contains any site that sits behind a secure server. This could be your Facebook account — which requires a username and password to access — or your online banking portal. Sites on the deep web cannot be accessed via a simple Google search. Instead, you have to enter credentials via a login page.
Finally, the dark web. The descriptor ‘dark’ may sound ominous, but not all activity that occurs on this server is illegal. Some of it is, for sure — but not all. The dark web cannot be accessed via a regular search browser. Instead, you must download a special program known as the ‘Tor’ browser. Websites are not ranked and indexed as they are on Google or Yahoo, and all activities and browsing behaviour is anonymous — meaning that criminals do run abound. Information that is stolen during data breaches is often sold on the dark web and used to commit identity theft.
Staying safe online
The first step to staying safe online? Avoid the dark web. While it’s not illegal to access the dark web, it’s also not recommended. Alongside the risk of getting caught up in criminal activities, you could also unknowingly infect your device with all different types of viruses and malware.
However, there are always risks to being online — even when you stick to the surface and deep webs. With that in mind, be sure to follow these top cybersecurity tips to stay safe while streaming, browsing, and playing online:
Secure your online accounts: This means never using the same password for more than one account. Your passwords should be strong, secure, and unique. If, like many people, you struggle to keep track of all your different passwords, consider using a password manager.
Always use a VPN: In 2021, no one should be connecting to the internet without using a VPN. A VPN — or virtual private network — encrypts all of your data so that your online activity is hidden from the prying eyes of government organisations and online criminals. When choosing a VPN, be sure to go with a trusted provider that does not track your activity.
Sign up for dark web monitoring: Once your information is on the dark web, it’s basically impossible to have it removed. By signing up to dark web monitoring, you will at least know where your information is and who might have access to it. You can then take proactive steps to mitigate the situation — close your bank accounts, for example, if hackers have accessed your financial information.
Use security software — and keep it up to date: Security software is your first line of defence against all types of online threats, including viruses, malware, phishing, and hacking. Using security software is the first step — the second is to make sure that it is always kept up to date. Security developers often release patches that are designed to protect against emerging threats.
Unless you know what you’re doing (and what you’re doing is perfectly legal), it’s highly advised that you avoid the dark web. There are plenty of other entertaining, informative corners of the internet for you to explore — safely and securely.
Bridget Black is a writer and editor, currently living in Melbourne. She is a copywriter for Newpath Web and loves working with words of all shapes and sizes. When not playing around with punctuation and grammar, she enjoys travelling and curating her Spotify playlists.