Effective Automation: 5 Business Processes to Automate in 2023

Automation is the way of the future. Not only can it boost efficiency, but it can also improve creativity within the workforce, increase employee satisfaction and support profits. Of course, that doesn't mean you should try to automate everything at once.
In this piece, we explore five business processes to automate in 2023. However, it is essential to consider whether each innovation is right for your business before implementing any upgrade or change.
Time Tracking
While time tracking is vital, it is handled inefficiently in many companies. Logging and tracking timesheets take up a significant amount of time and resources, making it a key area for improvement through automation.
By installing the best fingerprint time clock in Australia, your business can ensure employees are treated fairly while removing a significant amount of manual handling. You’ll also dramatically decrease the chance of errors occurring – something that's quite important when payment is involved.
Accounts Payable
Another area that could benefit greatly from automation is your accounts payable process. AP invoice automation removes the need for a staff member to go over everything with a fine tooth comb and make payments manually. Instead, automated accounts payable software can streamline the process, freeing up mental space for your accounts team to focus on other areas.
Logistics and Shipping
Making use of a third-party logistics company and fulfilment centre isn't technically automation, but it does take the burden of handling orders and shipping off your shoulders, essentially making it automated. Not only will this help you get orders out in a shorter time frame, but it can also boost accuracy and make expansion a far more streamlined process.
Selecting Employees to Consider for Promotion
Deciding who to promote when roles pop up can be tough. Not only do you have to dive into employee performance, but it's also vital to maintain diversity in the workplace while recognising unique talents. The good news is that AI can help with this process. As long as your algorithm is designed correctly, you can confidently automate most of this process while remaining assured that bias has been minimised as much as possible.
Front Line Customer Service
Finally, if you're looking for ways to make life easier for your customers and customer service department, chatbots can streamline things to an astonishing degree. When you automate this part of the process, customers who have a simple request can receive instant assistance, removing every barrier to the sale. You can also use your chatbot to gather basic information about a customer query so that if they do end up needing assistance from a human, your customer support team has the information they need to provide efficient service.
Of course, the caveat is that your chatbots must be effectively programmed to ensure you don’t end up frustrating customers. The last thing you want is a chatbot that sends them around in pointless (and annoying) circles.
Businesses that fail to adapt to technology will be left behind. Failure to adapt leads to extinction in the natural world, and the same holds true in commerce. The good news is that automation opens up a world of possibilities for employers and employees, so we should welcome it with open arms.
Consider whether the suggestions in this piece are right for your company, look into other areas to automate within your business, and get started as soon as possible. After all, the next big thing is always just around the corner, and with the extra time and mental space automation can provide, your team might be the ones to discover it.