What is ISO certification and why is it important?

Would you buy a product if you were unsure of its reliability, efficiency, functionality or safety? We are certain that your answer will be a big NO. In a world where they are so many products, unrecognisable brands, untraceable places of origin and newer versions, ISO certificate provides this guarantee. In this article we will discuss what is ISO certification and why is it important?
What is ISO standard?
Before we talk about ISO certificate and its importance, let us discuss what an ISO standard is. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-profit, internationally appreciated and widely acclaimed organisation that publishes recommendations for different industries.
This organisation was created in response to the growing demand of consumers and business owners, who all wanted an international entity that could control as well as enforce standardisation across different industries.
The need for a reliable non-government institute was growing as across different industries, the same products were being produced using different methods, leading to an inconsistency in the quality, functionality and reliability.
Moreover, even the service industry was not spared, as managers utilised ad-hock techniques, leading to unsatisfied customers, inconsistency in the quality of services and substandard outcomes.
Therefore, utilising the recommendations of technical experts, union leaders, consumers, financial analysts, leaders of different industries and other stakeholders, ISO created a set of defined requirements for iso 9001 certification.
These criterions could be adopted by various organisations on a voluntary basis, helping them create auditable management systems. The purpose of this management system was to create efficiency in the operations and standardisation in the management.
ISO standards are almost the same in all countries. However, there are also specific laws that must be followed in each country. For example, if you live in Australia, we suggest you use the services of ISO consultants in Australia.
What is ISO certificate?
Now that you have understood what an ISO standard is, let us talk about what an ISO certificate is. As you may have gathered from the above paragraph, ISO creates recommendations that organisations can utilise to build a management system.
These recommendations are domain specific. If you want to know the ISO certification cost, we suggest using the ISO consulting services of The ISOCouncil.
What is ISO 9001?
ISO 9001, one of the most popular ISO standards outlines recommendations to build a Quality Management System (QMS) that helps organisations meet the expectations of their customers by enhancing the quality of their products/services.
What is ISO 14001?
The ISO 14001 standard outlines the recommendations for an effective Environmental Management System (EMS) that helps organisations achieve sustainability and reduce their environmental impact.
What is ISO 45001?
Another popular standard is the ISO 45001 standard that focuses on increasing the safety and health of your workplace by implementing a robust Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS).
ISO certification process
Once, the organisations have implemented these recommendations, they undergo an external audit. Implementation essentially means that organisations ensure that every clause within the standard that is applicable to their business, has been adhered to, to the best of their ability. They can ensure this with the help of internal audits. For this, they need to provide internal auditor training to their team of auditors so they can make sure all the required standards are met. If the organisation is confident in the operational efficiency of the management system, they can contact an external accredited certification body for a certification audit.
ISO only develops and publishes the standards, and does not grant the certificate. This certificate is only granted through certification bodies that have themselves, undergone gruelling audits to acquire their accreditation. A lead auditor or a team of auditors from the certification body will come and visit your organisation to ensure that your documentation, management system and your personnel are compliant to the recommendations of the chosen standard.
As per your performance in the external audit, you are either granted leeway period to modify all non-conformances or are granted a certificate.
Benefits of ISO certificate
Now, that you have understood how the certification process takes place, you would have an added respect for the ISO certificate. Companies spend a considerable amount of time, money and effort to acquire ISO certificates, to showcase to their consumers and other stakeholders their commitment towards continual improvement, efficiency quality, safety and reliability.
It is because the standard requires organisations to conduct reviews, modify the processes and commit to constant improvement, that companies enjoy many benefits. Some example of such benefits include:
Better brand credibility:
Whenever a company acquires ISO certificate, its credibility gets a boost because peers, colleagues and consumers of the company understand that the company is now operating utilising industry-specific best-practises and is adhering to applicable regulations.
Improved processes and better management:
The standard urges leaders to review their processes in detail which improves managerial visibility and increases efficiency of the processes as all surplus procedures are removed.
Better profits:
The standard helps organisations easily assimilate into international markets, create products that are reliable, functional and safe as well as win tenders. Additionally, as now the procedures are operating as per international standards, insurance premiums reduce.
Better employee productivity:
Processes become smoother as the standard requires managers to clarify roles, responsibilities and task descriptions, helping enhance job satisfaction, and productivity for employees.
Domain specific benefits:
Companies also get to enjoy domain specific benefits such as improved quality with ISO 9001, improved environmental performance with ISO 14001 and improved occupational safety with ISO 45001.
Get ISO certification now!
ISO certificates help organisations showcase their commitment to continual improvement by creating auditable management systems. The benefits of ISO certificate include better brand credibility, improved processes, better management, better profits, better employee productivity and domain specific benefits.
Using ISO consulting services is the first step for ISO certification. If you live in Australia, The ISO Council will be the best option for you. With the help of The ISO Council, you can register your request for ISO certification right now.