How To Get The Recognition You Deserve In The Workplace
- Written by News Company

You work hard and it only makes sense that you’d want others to notice what you’re doing right. After all, your career depends on it because promotions go to those who are recognised for their efforts.
Therefore, you need to stand out from the crowd by putting your best foot forward and making it known that you not only exist but are someone who the company should value and not want to lose. Others aren’t necessarily going to become aware of who you are and what you do without a little extra effort on your part. Do it for you and because you deserve the rewards that come from all the time and energy you spend putting into your work.
Be on Time
Help yourself out by being on time for work each day and to meetings. You don’t want known as the person on the team who is always running late. Instead, be someone who your boss and the company can depend on to be in their seat during your working hours. It’s even better if you show up early and are ready to go before your required start time. Get in the habit of being punctual and people will take notice of how you’re always ready to go when the workday or a meeting begins.
Participate in Meetings
Rest up and take care of yourself so you have a lot of natural energy saved up for the meetings that everyone else thinks are boring. Sleeping in the back corner and looking disengaged will certainly hurt your cause. You need to be willing to talk and offer up ideas and ask questions in meetings you’re participating in. This will show others that you take your job seriously and want to contribute to making your company a better place to work for all. Jump at the opportunity to host a meeting yourself and be the leader in charge. It will give you practice for when you’re promoted someday to a higher level position.
Volunteer to Help with Department & Company Wide Projects & Events
Raise your hand to help out with various projects and events happening around your company. For example, you could volunteer to assist in organising a company sponsored event like a running or bike race. You can make a name for yourself by suggesting you get an Event Display custom marquee that will represent your business at the event. Step up by taking your role sincerely and coming to the table with a lot of unique planning ideas for your company to consider as the event date inches closer.
Network with the Right People
You should aim to bet to know your boss, the leadership team, clients and those in the business community. It’s worth your time to network with them and build deeper relationships with those who have power over where your career heads next. You need to decide if they hold positions you’d like to be in one day, or if it’s not for you and you’re ready to find a new job elsewhere. The better they know you, the more likely it is that they’ll think of you when they need assistance with a project or have open positions that would offer you a promotion.
Minimise Errors & Learn from your Mistakes
You don’t want to be known as the person who’s always messing up. Therefore, you need to quickly learn from your mistakes and minimise errors by paying attention when completing your daily assignments. Be productive and efficient, but don’t sacrifice doing the work the right way because you want to be fast. The better your work, the more likely your boss is to notice your abilities and offer you chances to shine by assigning you additional opportunities. If you do make a mistake, then be wise enough to know that you should admit to it and let the appropriate people know about your error.
Help others
You’re not going to get the recognition you deserve if you’re secretive and only out for yourself. Be willing to pitch in and share your knowledge with your teammates and help others out on their assignments if they need it. It’s a good idea to be someone who’s responsive and approachable in the workplace. You’ll come across as well-rounded, intelligent and helpful when you’re open and sociable. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance when you require it and be honest about what you don’t know too.
Request Performance Evaluations & ask for Feedback Consistently
You know what you’re doing well, but don’t be afraid to spread the word to others. Make sure all your hard work is documented, and you have the scores and notes to prove it from your boss. You’ll want these remarks handy when you’re stating your case about why you should be up for the next available promotion. Ask for feedback so you can be consistently working on your weaknesses and focusing on your strengths. All of this performance advice is going to help you be a better employee and get the right people to notice you.
Speak up about your Talents
Don’t be afraid to portray confidence in all you do. Speak up about why you think you’re a great worker and deserve recognition for your talents. Have a conversation with your boss about what your goals are and where you see yourself in years to come at your company. Tell others what you’re good at and how you can help them out if necessary. Start conversations with members of company leadership and let them know your background, what you think you’re currently doing well and your goals and aspirations for the future.
It’s not always easy to stand out in a crowd and make a name for yourself in the workplace. Use these tips to help you achieve this goal and be someone who’s known for their hard work and dedication. You can’t sit back and wait for good happenings to come to you. You’ll need to step up and take action if you want to get noticed by your coworkers and boss. Keep trying because eventually what you’re doing will stick, and you’ll receive the rewards you know you deserve.