Top Hiking Spots in South Island NZ
- Written by News Company
A large majority of travelers who head through the South Island on campervan hire new zealand adventures have hiking as one of their main priorities. This makes sense since the hiking here is some of the absolute best in the world. There are a number of amazing regions that contain dozens of trails that are considered some of the top destinations in the world for hikers. Many thousands of travelers have ventured to this majestic region in order to experience the unspoiled beauty of these trails. There are a number of different spots all throughout the region that are considered to be the best, so make sure to have them on their schedule.
Waterfall Park
This is the point where the fresh stream rivers meet the sea, where you can watch as baby seals swim and frolic in the waterfalls. Not only is this an amazing sight to behold, but the surrounding scenery is some of the most gorgeous views you will ever witness. There are well over 20 massive waterfalls spread throughout the park, and many dozens more smaller falls, making this one of the top sites for waterfall lovers in the entire world. This is a truly majestic wonderland, so make sure you’ve scheduled enough time to truly experience it.
Sandfly Bay
This is one of the most pristine beaches in all of New Zealand, completely wild and amazing to behold. The scenery here is what photographer’s dreams are made of, and chances are you will witness some large Hooker Sea Lions and gatherings of penguins. This is classic New Zealand undeveloped coastland in its purest form, allowing for many hours of hiking on the coast and epic views that stretch for miles of sand, water, and rock, not to mention absolutely stunning sunsets. You really won’t want to miss this on your campervan hire new zealand journey, so make sure that Sandfly bay is on your hit list.
Moeraki Boulders
This area is a true natural wonder. These large, strangely-shaped boulders outline a stretch of wild beach, forming one of the most sought-after sites on the South Island. The views are stunning from the main lookout, and you can park just before the area restaurant and hike to it from the other side, which is a truly epic journey that is highly recommended. This has long been known as one of the most sweeping sights in all of New Zealand and will really give you a feel for the wonders of this region. No hiking journey is complete without a visit to Moeraki, so keep this firmly in mind when planning your trip.
Castle Hill
Just underneath a breathtaking mountain range can be found the legendary Castle Hill. Made up of limestone boulders and noted as one of the spiritual centers of the universe, this is a very tranquil and beautiful setting that is sure to sooth the spirit. Just a short drive from Christchurch, you will definitely want to keep this on your activities list since it has long been known as one of the most unique mountain ranges in New Zealand, which is really saying a lot. You won’t see a sight like this again, so make sure to bring a camera. The area is not only scenic but also peaceful, with many visitors reporting a great sense of calm and unity with the Earth.
Mountain Sunday
Lord of the Rings fans will be excited to know that this is where the film was shot, and you will instantly recognize the terrain from the film. Fearing a 360 degree view of the entire island, this is a panorama you won’t soon forget. The greatest thing about Mountain Sunday is that it will give you an idea of the true scope and geography of New Zealand that will be of major relevance as you travel the rest of the island. When you think of the majestic New Zealand terrain, this is what comes to mind. Hikers looking to experience it up close and persona are highly advise to take one of the many trails in the region and to camp out under the stars for a night in this truly majestic land that has been an inspiration for one of the greatest fantasy films ever made.
Majestic and pristine, the Southern Island is easily one of the most unique places to experience amazing nature and scenery like you wouldn’t be able to see anywhere else in the world. There trails are world famous and known to attract hikers from all across the globe. So if you’re planning a campervan hire new zealand journey and have hiking on the menu, then make sure to keep the regions of the South Island on the top of your list. You certainly won’t want to miss out on this.