Daily Bulletin

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  • Written by The Conversation Contributor

Welcome to The Conversation’s off-topic space. We’ve set this up as the place where you can discuss anything that isn’t related to a specific article. Please feel free to use this space to get to know each other and talk about news elsewhere and whatever else strikes your fancy.

This is also an opportunity to discuss broader issues about The Conversation, including moderation, community standards and editorial decisions. These threads will be read by Conversation staff, however we will keep our commenting to a minimum so that this can be your space.

Each off-topic space will be open from Monday to Sunday. We’ll close this space at the end of the week and provide a link to the new one.

Our community standards still apply and will be enforced, so please keep it nice and avoid personal attacks. Beyond that, this is your space. Enjoy.

Authors: The Conversation Contributor

Read more http://theconversation.com/the-off-topic-conversation-69-50752

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