Daily Bulletin

Business Mentor


  • Written by Daily Bulletin

As some would say - business makes the world go round! But why is studying business important - particularly for today’s emerging world leaders?

Just keep reading to learn more about the process of studying business, why studying business is important today, and where business studies could lead you!

What does Studying Business involve?

If you’re keen to complete a higher education qualification in business, you may well be wondering, what does this entail?

First, you’ll need to select which course you’d like to complete. A popular choice for many aspiring business professionals is a Master of Business Administration or MBA. Of course, like many academic programs, there are academic requirements for an MBA. Some of these include:

- Fluency and proficiency in both written and verbal language and communication
And, either

- Prior tertiary qualifications - such as an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree, for example.
- Proven long-term professional managerial experience that is considered by the educational facility as equivalent to the completion of a tertiary degree.

Once enrolled, MBA students are expected to complete various assessments and assignments that are relevant to the learning outcomes and areas of study covered as part of the degree. For many MBA programs, these assignments will be in essay form and will be heavily weighted in terms of their value towards completion of the course. For this reason, many universities recommend that students dedicate a substantial amount of time to their studies, even if they are working full-time or have other personal commitments.

Indeed, completing a degree of any kind - but especially an MBA - is quite a commitment, and one that students need to be serious about dedicating themselves to. The good news? Upon graduation, the results will be worth it! You will have learned a great deal and acquired valuable skills to help you advance your career in leadership.

What Can You Learn from Studying Business?

As part of a Master of Business Administration or MBA, the areas of study you will cover will often include:

- How to develop effective leadership communication styles
- How to operate as a leader in Global business settings
- How to analyse, review and develop strategies
- How to manage and oversee important business projects
- How to lead and manage others effectively
- How to use analytical tools and statistics to gain business analytics insights

These units combined are essential in enabling students to understand the world of business, and how to operate effectively within it. Most importantly, graduates will learn how to conduct themselves as leaders in business settings. This is essential if aspiring to upper managerial and C-suite roles, such as CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), COO (Chief Operations Officer), or CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) - to name just a few!

Where Can Studying Business Lead You?

Studying business can lead you down several career pathways, particularly in terms of C-suite roles. As mentioned, some of these high-flying roles include:

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

The CEO of a company or organisation is, most often, the highest position an individual can attain within that particular business. Usually, the CEO will act as both the face and the voice of the company and will also oversee the operations of the business in consultation with other executive members of the C-suite.

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

Unsurprisingly, the CFO is primarily responsible for the successful financial operation of a business. As well as sourcing new business opportunities for the company, the CFO will also engage in financial risk assessment, and decision-making, and business data analysis.

COO (Chief Operations Officer)

An organisation’s COO is usually tasked with overseeing the company’s internal operations. This means they are largely responsible for an organisation's human resources agendas - particularly in terms of recruitment, staffing, and employee training.

CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) 

As the name would suggest, a CMO is the company’s Chief Marketing Officer. This means that they are, quite unsurprisingly, in charge of an organisation’s marketing strategies. They will also usually be required to be well-versed in current digital marketing trends, as well as traditional marketing channels.

For today’s up-and-coming leaders, most often, securing a C-suite role can only be achieved by studying business! But, if you dedicate yourself to your business studies and your career, you could be well on your way to making a difference as one of the world’s future leaders.

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