Weekly Dose: ayahuasca, a cautionary tale for tourists eager to try this shamanic brew
- Written by Stephen Bright, Senior Lecturer of Addiction, Edith Cowan University
Last night’s ABC Foreign Correspondent highlighted how Australians have been travelling to South America to seek the mystical experiences and healing properties of the plant brew ayahuasca.
Spiritual leaders known as shaman have been using this brew for hundreds of years for healing and religious purposes. It’s prepared by boiling plants from the Amazon and reducing the brew. Either the shaman or the person who wants to be healed (or both) can drink it.
But the program shows the dangers of using such a powerful drug while overseas where there is little regulation over the retreats that offer it.
What is ayahuasca?

Authors: Stephen Bright, Senior Lecturer of Addiction, Edith Cowan University