Creating an Australian web site is now easier

High value domain name, is offering new web sites for start ups and existing businesses. Unlike most hosting and web site development services, offers sub domains and sub folders on its existing website.
For instance, a start up tech company could go online as "" or Either way, customers will get a full web site with its own login details for $500.00 plus a yearly hosting charge of $100.00 paid in advance. The pricing is low compared to the cost of custom made web sites on new domain names and the founders of the web business are confident of a high take up rate.
In addition, a directory will be created at to allow all sorts of businesses to showcase their operations and market their services or products. Advertisers will get a page similar to the presentation of real estate on sites like Costing for this will be announced shortly.
Most start up businesses have to settle for what is left of the .com and domain names after years of sales to end users and investors. The service provided by will allow enterprises to create their own website with a name like "
Customers can create their own web site, engage a third party to run the web site or allows the staff at to set up and maintain the web site. can also provide a digital marketing campaign using all of the media resources of its parent operation, to fast track customer acquisition and social media buzz.
While web site customers of can start off with a fully functional five page web site, all sorts of additional marketing tools like photo galleries, newsletters, shopping carts and pages like testimonials or reviews are optional extras.
Setting up a web site on makes sense as the customer controls their own web space and they can keep the site up indefinitely by paying the annual hosting charge. Businesses that conduct all of their marketing on Facebook have no equity or control over their pages as they can be shut down at any time.
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