3 hipster influencers educate Gen Z on cybersecurity

In a world where social media is key for influencers to showcase their passion, we tend to miss out the unsung heroes who don’t particularly want or have celebrity status.
Here are 3 influencers who have successfully injected life in a dry topic such a cybersecurity and are making a great impact with Gen Z this April.
Jacqui Loustau, founder of the Australian Women in Security Network (AWSN).
Jacqui Loustau, founder of the AWSN together with co-founders of AWSN Cadets, Elizabeth Bonny and Diane Loi are producing a new breed of Gen Z Australians. This powerhouse trio empower young women through technical workshops tailor-made for AWSN Cadets which aims to boost women’s confidence and equip them with the necessary tools before embarking on a profession in cybersecurity. Jacqui says, “Throughout my 15 years in IT and security, I was lucky to never really feel discriminated against or bullied in any of my organisations because of my gender. However, many other women have not been so fortunate. Many feel alone, helpless and frustrated. They are awesome at their job, but talk of quitting the industry because of the terrible experiences they face. I was eager to change that.” Today, the AWSN cadets has grown to almost 70 girls from different universities across Victoria. Follow them on their website for more information here.
Joe White, comedian.
Cybersecurity is no laughing matter. But comedian Joe White used humour to entertain and educate the young folks about online threats with his comedy sketch that has reached hundreds of views. In collaboration with leading cybersecurity vendor Kaspersky Lab, Joe is upfront about how cybersecurity hasn’t been something he paid attention to until now. “I was given free rein on the content and the approach so the video pokes fun at personal hacking experiences. Who hasn’t received a scam email? Who then, unfortunately, clicked on a dodgy link or opened a virus ridden file? It’s important for the new generation to be aware, even if it simply helps to avoid answering emails from potential cousins who won millions of dollars and want to split it with me,” he jokes. As well as the video Joe will host five Kaspersky Lab specials of his new show, Ethiopian & Still Not Hungry, during the Melbourne International Comedy Festival on Friday and Saturday nights from 29 March to 20 April at the Afro Hub. Tickets can be purchased here.
Geoff Quattromani, Tech Commentator.
Geoff is probably the only tech commentator in Australia who actively covers all spectrums of the media via online, print, TV and radio channels. He does the Saturday morning show on 2GB and 4BC. “I have 30 minutes to cover tech topics but mostly take calls helping people with a anything from anti-virus solutions to a purchase of a new television. No tech questions are off limits.” He is also a regular on 2HD and 2NM radio covering large tech news in one short review. He occasionaly appears on The Today Show and evening news bulletins when big news hits. He has recently also contributes articles for the tech section of The Australian and News.com.au. In his spare time, Quattromani also runs a tech initiative at his old high school to encourage innovation and imagination around technology. He finds his own prizes, judges and mentors students before a large presentation with the entire school and families of those who entered. All of this while maintaining a successful career in IT. Read his latest works here.