RGA Reinsurance Makes the Case for Case Management With $322 Million in Savings Since Inception
- Written by Pitch Engine
Minneapolis, MN, October 30, 2015 – Reinsurance Group of America today released quantifying results of an internal evaluation of its Reinsurance Outcomes and Service Experts (ROSE®) program, revealing that its client participants realized more than $322 million in savings since the program’s founding in 1984.
The ROSE Program, an expert consulting service, complements clients’ internal medical case management programs and streamlines the management of catastrophic claim costs. RGA’s evaluation concluded that clients who fully utilize the ROSE services experience an average savings equal to 38 percent of their annual reinsurance premium.
“Our clients, with our brokerage and claims team, have found the ROSE program to add significant value for our clients in terms of mitigating large claims,” said Faith Johnston, Principal at Integro Group. “The fact that RGA is reporting overall savings due to the ROSE program of 17 percent of reinsurance premium for all clients and total savings of 38 percent of reinsurance premium for engaged ROSE clients is remarkable. We view the ROSE and ROSEBUD® programs as being among the top tier cost containment services offered in the marketplace today.”
Annually ROSE consultants provide more than 400 consulting hours, offer more than 1,200 continuing education credits, and conduct more than 1,000 claim audits and negotiations. The program oversees more than 40 transplants yearly, which are managed through contracted transplant networks. In addition the ROSE Program prenatal and neonatal case management arm, ROSEBUD, achieves an average return on investment of 7:1.
“With this analysis we can confidently say our ROSE Program is the premier medical management consulting program in the reinsurance market,” said Jane Johnson, Vice President of Medical Management for RGA. “This is, without a doubt, our proven track record of providing real value that impacts a client’s bottom line.”
About RGA
Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated is one of the largest global life and health reinsurance companies in the world. The company provides clients with individual life reinsurance, individual living benefits reinsurance, group reinsurance, health reinsurance, financial solutions, facultative underwriting and product development. RGA and its subsidiaries serve clients from operations in Australia, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Worldwide, RGA has approximately $2.9 trillion of life reinsurance in force and assets of $47.5 billion.
For further information, please contact:
Lynn Phillips Executive Director Public RelationsT 636.736.2351 lphillips@rgare.com
Authors: Pitch Engine
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