ChappelWood Financial Services CEO and Founder Victoria Woods featured on CBS as guest on Success Today
- Written by Pitch Engine

Victoria Woods was recently seen on CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX network affiliates around the country as a guest on Success Today with Bob Guiney.
Edmond, OK April 12, 2016 – Victoria Woods was recently featured as a guest on Success Today with Bob Guiney. The show was filmed in Orlando, Florida and featured an interview with Bob “The Bachelor” Guiney as host. The episode with Victoria Woods recently aired on affiliates of NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX around the country.
Watch Victoria’s Success Today interview here.
To learn more about Chief Investment Advisors and the clients calling the Financial Diva and more about Victoria and her services, please visit and
More about Victoria Woods
A successful business owner for 27 years, Woods came from humble beginnings, mixing her wisdom and wit, to launch the success of her local radio show along with her book, “It’s All About The $Money, Honey!”
Victoria Woods is known as The Financial Diva; she is an entrepreneur, author, and Founder and CEO of ChappelWood Financial Services, as well as visionary and founder of the 84-acre Financial District of Oklahoma. Victoria lives by her motto, “The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one doing it.”
Kasey Kalchert
Authors: Pitch Engine
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