In Honor of National Sibling Day Children with Sick Siblings Are Going To Camp
- Written by Pitch Engine
With National Siblings Day on April 10th, Camp Soaring Eagle is conducting a special camp session for children with a sibling suffering from a serious illness. From April 1st-3rd children will enjoy a weekend full of fun, laughter and friendship at the CSE campsite in Cornville, AZ.
At CSE we understand that having a child with a serious illness takes time and energy from the entire family and siblings may sometimes feel guilty, anxious and even left out.
Our sibling camper weekend is for siblings of our established campers ages 6 to 15 that do not suffer from any serious or chronic illness. This session is meant for children to get away from their chaotic surroundings and let’s them have a special weekend at camp all for themselves, where they can make friends and hang out with other children who also have a sick sibling.
Camp Soaring Eagle is a non-profit organization that provides year round, medically supervised, camping programs to children and family members from across Arizona with chronic and life threatening illnesses. We conduct six different types of camping programs: Illness Specific Camping Weekends, Illness Specific Family Retreats, Sibling Camper Weekends, Summer Camp Program, Camp Outreach and Veterans’ Children Weekends.
All camps are completely free of charge for campers and their families, thanks to charitable donations. While at camp children get a chance to laugh and play and try all types of activities including fishing, crafts, archery, horseback riding, theatre, and much more.
For a complete schedule of all camps, access to applications and deadlines please visit Camp Soaring Eagle’s website at
Authors: Pitch Engine
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