Daily Bulletin

  • Written by Pitch Engine

Justin Crawford was recently featured on Yahoo Finance and other major online media outlets, including Morningstar, Reuters, MarketWatch and CNBC.com and many others.

Downingtown, PA   February 19, 2016 – A feature story about Justin Crawfordwas recently seen on Yahoo Finance as well as the other major online publications such as CNBC.com, MarketWatch, Reuters, AP Newsroom.com, and many others. 

Drawing on his multi-faceted experience as an attorney, entrepreneur, operations consultant and builder of extraordinary businesses, Justin Crawford brings to his dynamic new venture, Agents of Efficiency, a lifetime of commitment, passion, high achievement and extraordinary adventure.

Launched in the fall of 2015, Agents of Efficiency (AoE) identifies the time sucking, profit draining tasks that distract from their clients’ passion and core competency, then implements targeted solutions with their best-in-class service providers. As per the moniker of Crawford’s organization, everything is designed to maximize efficiency, the bottom line, and that often elusive happiness that far too often gets lost in the sea of those back-end responsibilities which – while necessary – have nothing to do with why the entrepreneur started their business in the first place. Or as he likes to say, “We do the boring stuff. You do the happy dance.”

Agents of Efficiency provides strategy plus execution to struggling small business owners looking to unlock profits and growth for their businesses by re-thinking how they run “the business end” of their companies.  

“My chief purpose is to remove roadblocks to personal happiness,” Justin says. “The motto at the Federal Academy I attended as an undergrad was Acta non Verba ­– ‘Deeds, not Words.’ We become a trusted partner in the trenches, and we force ourselves to prove our ROI every month. If we don’t deliver, fire us. That’s how confident we are in our results. We love working with small businesses because that’s where the greatest needs are, and where the rewards are the largest.”

Read more: www.WeDoBoring.com

Read the article in full: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/efficiency-expert-justin-crawford-takes-133000184.html



Kasey Kalchert



Authors: Pitch Engine

Read more http://www.pitchengine.com/pitches/a9f22ac6-fd46-4ec2-8b24-4f4a05f25f12

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