Daily Bulletin

Cold Changes - How to Prepare Your Home For Winter Winds

  • Written by News Company

When it comes to winter, I really believe there are few things worse than a sharp winter wind that can cut through you like a hot knife through butter. Thankfully, you can rug up and take away some of those winter chills. Your house, on the other hand, is a different story. Protecting your home from winter winds can be just as important. If you’re not sure how to prepare and protect your home then consider the below tips.

Heat your home indoor and out

When winter hits, unfortunately, most people’s entertaining calendars become quite baron. Using that deck or outdoor area becomes somewhat less attractive in the dead of winter. However it doesn’t have to, instead why not try an outdoor heater. Not only will it create a space for you and your family, but inviting friends over in winter will be made a whole lot easier.

Outdoor heating is a great way to make that space an inviting area of your home all year round. Outdoor heating comes in a wide variety of styles or options, so make sure you do your research and find the one that fits your space.

Plug the gaps

One of the key challenges of preparing your home for winter can be checking for gaps or holes in your home that will let those winter winds in. Allowing the cold air to penetrate your home will result in you having to work your heaters and electricity harder, which will in turn increase your electricity bill.

So, to save you back pockets as well as your body from the winter winds, take the time to check all windows, vents and access points for areas that need to be winter proofed. Check the stripping around windows and doors and if necessary backfill with some sealant to help keep the cold air outside where it belongs.

Look up

One of lesser known challenges of the winter winds can be the debris it is blowing around. As we know, autumn precedes winter and that brings a lot of leaves and other debris from trees. Then, when the winter winds inevitably kick in, it can be a cocktail of disaster for your roof guttering. When you are considering the preparation before winter, make sure you clean out your gutters before the winds hit. Call professionals at https://roofers-manchester.com/guttering, if need be.

Better yet, if possible potentially even consider some mesh in the gutters to stop that debris from finding a new home. The last thing you want this winter is to have a leak or water damage as a result of gutters being blocked. Additionally, if you live in a particular cold climate, climbing onto the roof in snow or sleet is not advisable. So, make sure you prepare your gutters for the winter winds to come.

Do a sweep

A sweep doesn’t necessarily mean with the broom, instead, to prepare your home for winter winds, do a sweep of the yard for any loose items which could be easily blown around. Think about things like outdoor furniture, sandpits, trees etc. Wherever possible, prepare your home by securing and tying down these items.

If you have ample storage space, even consider putting these items away during windy periods of winter. Loose items can result in property damage and even loss so be ready to secure all your items and start spring as you finished autumn, with all your items in check.

Winter winds can be potentially damaging to not only your health but your home as well. Preparing your home doesn’t have to be an onerous task, instead complete an assessment and do the tasks which carry the most risk. Winter can be an enjoyable season with the right preparation and attitude. Instead of making the mistakes, be prepared and use these tips to protect your home from winter winds this year.

Image courtesy of ABC

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