Grab your tickets to our live election events (plus 30% off our book)
- Written by Molly Glassey, Audience Development Manager, The Conversation
Join us in your closest capital city as we ask some of the country’s top experts what’s missing from the debate in the lead up to the 2019 federal election.
Each event will address the most pressing issues facing Australia and feature leading Conversation authors and editors, including Michelle Grattan and Amanda Dunn in Melbourne, Michelle Grattan, Peter Martin and Frank Bongiorno in Canberra, Anne Tiernan, Eddie Synot and Liz Minchin in Brisbane, Alex Reilly, Carol Johnson and Misha Ketchell in Adelaide and Jane Hall, Sarah Kaine and Peter Martin in Sydney.
Wednesday 3 April, Australian National University REGISTER
Thursday 11 April, Gleebooks BUY TICKETS
Wednesday 17 April, Avid Reader BUY TICKETS
Wednesday 24 April, Federation Square BUY TICKETS
Thursday 9 May, University of Adelaide BUY TICKETS

Buy the book
Politics in Australia is in a dire state. We have the diagnosis, but what’s the cure?
In this collection of essays, the country’s top academic minds look at the key issues and chart a way forward. As a reader, please enjoy 30% off* Advancing Australia when pre-ordering using the code ADVANCINGAUS19
Released March 29, 2019
Apologies to those who won’t be able to make it to one of these events – we hope to host events in Hobart, Perth, Darwin and some of Australia’s regional cities in coming months (keep your eyes peeled). Discount code not valid with other deals or books. Code not valid on e-books. Discount code expires 12am Friday March 29.
Authors: Molly Glassey, Audience Development Manager, The Conversation
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