Five things a rookie trucker needs to know
- Written by News Company

It can be extremely exciting starting your career in trucking as you think of all the places you are going to go, the things you are going to see, and the people you are going to meet. However, there are some things that only an experienced trucker will know, and if you want to avoid the pitfalls of being a newbie, you will take these things on board. Discover the five essential things a rookie trucker needs to know for a smoother beginning to your new career.
You will get fat
Although not inevitable, it is probable that you are going to gain quite a bit of weight during your trucker years. Diner stops, gas stations snacks, and irregular sleeping patterns will all contribute to that expanding waistline. If you want to avoid this, you need to be proactive. Prepare food to take with you on each trip rather than relying on trips to diners, and opt for water rather than sugar-filled sodas. Exercise also falls by the wayside for many truckers, so make time to wander around during your breaks, or get out and do some press-ups rather than staying in your truck.
Your truck will become home
As you will be spending a lot of time in your truck, it will become a second home to you. This can be a good thing, if you treat it with the respect it deserves. Don’t accumulate rubbish - give your truck a thorough interior clean every few days to keep it looking good and feeling comfortable.
Tools are your friends
Any number of accidents can happen while you are on the road, and it is helpful to know how to carry out any simple repairs. Keep a toolkit with you at all times, and do some research on common tucking mishaps so you will be prepared should you ever need to do some repairs yourself. The Trucker Section Website has some fantastic tips for truck maintenance and repair and is worth a look during your downtime to ensure you keep on top of new hints and advice.
Your family may get annoyed
If you have a family, they may not be prepared for the reality of your new career in trucking. Being away for several days can put a strain on any family, so be sure to talk through any concerns with your partner. Should you have children, they will need to know why you are away so long, and they may take some time getting used to not seeing one of their parents for lengthy periods. Keep in contact as much as possible during rest breaks with phone calls facetiming, and texts. Make the most of time at home with your family and remember to pull your weight around the home when you get back too to avoid any feelings of resentment.
You will love it
Trucking isn’t for everyone, but those that stick at are those that love their job. Time on the open road, new experiences, and driving from destination to destination gives a freedom that many other occupations can’t offer. You may have some teething problems in the beginning, but it won’t be long before you realise that trucking is a job like no other.