Daily Bulletin

Salmonella and How to Avoid It

  • Written by House Call Doctor

Recent listeria outbreaks in Brisbane have led health experts to shine a light on other food-borne illnesses, like salmonella.

Approximately 5,000 cases of salmonella are reported in Australia every year, contributing to the $1.249 billion national cost of food-related illness.

Condiments and meats can easily hold bacteria, but eggs have most commonly been blamed for salmonella outbreaks in the last two years.

Pregnant women, those with weak immune systems, children and the elderly have proven to be at greater risk of contracting the illness.

How to Avoid Salmonella

Brisbane after hours doctor service House Call Doctor’s Doctor Ryan Harvey said being vigilant about food was the first step to prevention.

“Salmonella is a food-borne illness that is easily preventable if people pay attention to how they handle foods that are sensitive to becoming illness causing agents,” Dr Harvey said.

“Make sure eggs are clean and uncracked at the time of purchase and when making chicken, make sure the meat is thoroughly cooked.

“Before and after handling easily contaminable foods, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and any surfaces or utensils the food may have touched.”

Foods containing eggs, including mayonnaise and cheesecakes should not be left out of the fridge for long periods of time.

Symptoms of Salmonella



Stomach cramps


Nausea and vomiting




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