Which Sunscreen Is The Best For Your Face, Your Kids And Those Hours Of Fun Swimming In Your Pool?
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Which Sunscreen is the Best For Your Face, Your Kids And Those Hours Of Fun Swimming in Your Pool?
It is tough to resist the pleasure of the sun and warm weather outdoors. However, there are certain confusions and concerns about the use of sunscreen as well. Fortunately, many people have become familiar with its importance, of applying sunscreen before venturing out into your Family Swimming Pool!
The consistency of a regular moisturizer is not the same as a sunscreen as the latter is much thicker. As a result, applying a moisturizer is not that effective before going out in the sun. Several moisturizers claim to protect skin from sun damage. However, they do not comprise the required UVA protection. Hence, they are incapable of protecting against Ultra Violet aging, as well as, other issues related to sun damage.
The sun’s UVB and UVA rays are responsible for issues such as sunburn and aging due to the sun’s prolonged exposure without adequate protection.
Advantages of using a good sunscreen
Here are some of the top advantages of applying a good sunscreen before getting exposed to the sun’s harmful rays.
1. Sun protection
It is one of the most prominent advantages of sunscreen. It protects the skin from the broad spectrum of the sun’s damaging UV rays. Sunscreen can minimize the penetration of Ultra Violet rays into your skin and thus protect it from different types of skin disorders. Mild sunburn can also have harmful results and so it is crucial to protect the skin.
2. Ensures that complexion is even
When you use sunscreen on the face, your complexion becomes even. Sun damage can lead to uneven skin tones but daily sun scream is helpful in the prevention of these effects.
3. Reduces chances of skin cancer
Regular application of sunscreen can reduce the threat of suffering from different types of skin cancers including melanoma. It is an aggressive form of skin cancer and can even threaten the lives of many women, especially in their twenties.
4. It is helpful in offering protection against symptoms of premature aging
There is hardly any person who does not wish to have healthy-looking, radiant, and youthful skin. However, overexposure to sunlight may increase wrinkles and fine lines. To put it plainly, the use of sunscreen can give protection against the damaging effects of skin aging or premature aging.
5. It helps to make the skin healthy overall
Necessary proteins present in the skin such as keratin can be protected if sunscreen is applied. Such proteins are mainly responsible for making the skin healthy and smooth in function and appearance.
Which SPF Sunscreen is most suitable for skin?
Many dermatologists suggest applying a sunscreen, which has an SPF of a minimum of 30. Such sunscreens can block 97% of the UVB rays of the sun. Sunscreens with higher-number SPFs can block slightly more of the UVB rays. However, there is no sunscreen that can block one hundred percent of the UVB rays.
What does SPF measure?
SPF is a measuring unit of how much UV radiation or solar energy is needed for producing sunburn on the protected skin. It measures so with respect to the proportion of solar energy needed for producing sunburn when skin is unprotected. With the increase in the value of the SPF, there is an increase in sunburn protection.
However, SPF does not measure how well any sunscreen can protect against the more dangerous UVA radiation. Thus, just because your sunscreen’s SPF is high does not indicate it is protecting your skin fully. A common myth is that SPF is related to the time for which your skin is exposed to the sun. It is incorrect as there is no direct relationship between solar exposure time and SPF. Rather the relationship is with how much sun exposure one is having.
There are two types of sun radiation – UVA radiation and UVB radiation. Being exposed to both kinds of radiation can increase the threat of skin cancer significantly. Fortunately, sunscreen helps in protecting people from that.
How to select the best sunscreens for kids and babies?
You should search for a term called “broad spectrum” on the product’s label. It suggests that the sunscreen offers protection against UVB (burning), as well as, UVA (skin-damaging) rays.
Choose a sunscreen cream with 30+ SPF with fragrance for your little one. The cream should have fragrance-free, phthalate-free, and dye-free formulas and should comprise a minimum of 15 percent zinc oxide. Such sunscreen creams are some of the finest sunblock options for children and adults who have allergies or sensitive skin.
However, it is better to not apply sunscreen to babies who are below 6-month old. Rather, make sure they are out of the sun as much as possible. Apply sunscreen on your little one’s skin 20 minutes before they are exposed to the sun. In case they are swimming or playing, make sure to reapply after every 1-2 hours.
How to select the best sunscreen for your face?
While selecting your sunscreen, it is imperative to figure out whether you have any kind of allergies against specific ingredients, potential toxicity, and its safety. You should also make sure that the sunscreen’s ingredients do not cause any disturbance to your hormonal balance.
When choosing a sunscreen, it is essential to consider any allergies you may have to specific ingredients, its safety, and potential toxicity. You also must ensure the ingredients in the sunscreen do not disrupt your hormone balance.
Make sure to go through the sunscreen’s active ingredients. Check out formulas, which comprise avobenzone, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. You should also ensure that sunscreens with vitamin A are avoided. The vitamin is believed to increase the skin tumor rate.
Choose a sunscreen cream that offers broad-spectrum coverage, as well as, has an SPF between 30 and 50. This will protect the skin from sun damage and sunburn. For acne-prone skin, it's recommended to use a mineral sunscreen.
How to select the best sunscreens for swimming?
In a majority of cases, it is advisable to opt for sports sunscreens while swimming. Such formulas are non-greasy, as well as, specifically designed to offer the user slightly more water resistance as compared to regular sunscreens.
Water resistance and waterproof sunscreens do not signify that you are not required to reapply. Water-proof sunscreen can protect your skin for around 80 minutes while water-resistant sunscreens can offer skin protection for nearly 40 minutes.