7 Things That Increase Your Risk of Developing Skin Cancer
- Written by NewsServices.com

The skin is a vital organ in the human body that performs the function of sweat and more. Perspiration helps the human body in adapting to the weather in an area. Thus, when the skin is infected, it struggles to perform its daily functions. A skin disease that is of major concern is skin cancer.
Skin cancer occurs when there is damage to DNA present in the skin. There are various forms of skin cancer, and each proves to be fatal to the human body. However, it is essential to know those specific activities we engage in that increase the chances of developing skin cancer. These activities can be summarized as neglecting the skin.
Understanding that the skin is a vital organ demands proper care to function correctly. This article highlights some of the factors that cause skin cancer, how these factors relate to some activities we engage in, and how to control these factors. Read on for more eye-opening information.
Factors that Causes Skin Cancer
These are some factors that increase the chances of developing skin cancer:
Ultraviolet rays: Ultraviolet rays are very harmful to the skin because they damage skin cells. Hence constant exposure to ultraviolet rays increases the risks of developing skin cancer. Some sources of ultraviolet rays include the sun, sunlamps, and tanning booths. Constant use of sunlamps and tanning booths could result in skin cancer.
Gene: Traits of skin cancer can be passed from one gene to another; these traits need some form of catalyst to spread. This means that individuals from families with a history of skin cancer have a high chance of developing skin cancer.
Medication: The skin naturally produces hormones that enable it to fight against ultraviolet rays from the sun or other sources, but constant exposure weakens this hormone. Another way these hormones weaken is from medications. Some medications administered to patients weaken these hormones increasing the chances of developing skin cancer when exposed to ultraviolet rays.
Recurring cases: Skin cancer can be contained until it goes dormant. The state of it going dormant is called remission. Individuals who are in remission have higher chances of reoccurring skin cancer.
Skin color: Light-skinned individuals have a higher tendency of developing skin cancer than dark-skinned individuals, especially light-skinned individuals with blonde, red or light-brown hair.
Sex: Males tend to develop skin cancer than females because they engage in more activities that expose them to ultraviolet rays.
Age: Individuals below 30 have a higher tendency to develop skin cancer because their skin is still at a tender stage, likewise the hormones it produces.
How to Control these Factors
Some of the ways to control these factors and reduce the risk of skin cancer include:
Take care of the skin: drinking enough water, moisturizing the skin, and cleaning the skin.
Wear clothes that do not expose too much skin to the sun.
Avoid constant exposure to ultraviolet rays, and if you must use the tanning booth or sunlamp, ensure the skin is adequately tanned.
Make a habit of going for skin checks.
Knowing some of the causes of skin cancers helps reduce the risks of developing the disease. Luckily, this article has highlighted some of the causes. The information here will help you greatly.
If you’ve yet to have a skin check, book an appointment with a renowned Gold Coast skin clinic today.