Daily Bulletin

Weak Immune System: Symptoms and What to Do

  • Written by Brigitte Evans

We’re constantly talking and talking about how we should pay attention to our health. And yes, we should do, but it’s our immune system that we should boost and nurture – once our immune system is strong, the chances of us landing with the flu or fever, or any other illness for that matter are quite low. So, the key is to pay attention to the immune system. But how can we do that? If you’re not very sure about why our immune system is important, why does it weaken sometimes and what to do about it, take a look at the following article. You might be experiencing some of the symptoms without even knowing it, so could it be that we save your life.

What are the symptoms?

There are many symptoms of a weak immune system and it’s quite difficult to pinpoint them. However, some happen more often than others, so if you experience any of the following, make sure to keep your eye open or visit your doctor.

Cold hands – This might happen when your blood vessels become inflamed, so it gets a bit harder for your fingers, toes and ears to warm. If you see that your skin is either pale or blue, make sure to visit your doctor to tell you what you need to do and if there’s a medication that you need.

Diarrhea – This is a well-known symptom of a weak immune system, and it’s definitely one of the most hated ones. If you experience diarrhea for more than 2 weeks, that could be a big sign that something’s not quite right with your immune system. There are ways in which you can fight diarrhea in a natural way, so you can try that before seeing the doctor.

Constipation – On the other hand, constipation is also not a good sign. Apart from a weak immune system, constipation might be a result of bacteria or viruses.

Fatigue – It’s ok if you feel tired after a long day at work, but if your fatigue happens frequently, a weakened immune system might be the cause. And if something’s going on with your body’s defenses, sleep isn’t going to help, so make sure that you see a doctor or do something about it.

What can you do?

The most important thing that you can do in order to take care of your immune system is give your body all the vitamins that it needs. This means that you should pay attention to your diet, eat plenty of fruit and green vegetables and avoid sugary drinks or greasy food. Moreover, it’s important that you have everything that you need in case you get sick due to a weak immune system. In order to be fully functioning even when it happens, make sure to have those secret weapons such as a practical cold sore cream that will relieve your pain very quickly and can deactivate the virus. However, also make sure to have some pain killers in case you need them. Apart from these things, buy plenty of fruit and lemons, and always have a fresh home-made lemonade and mix it with a bit of honey. Not only is it tasty, but very healthy as well.

Why does it happen?

You might ask yourself why does our immune system sometimes get weaker, even though it’s quite a normal thing and it happens to literally everyone. One reason is the constant state of stress. If you’ve been experiencing some hard time at work that made you quite nervous and stressful, this might be the culprit for your weak immune system. If your body produces a lot of stress hormones in a short period of time, it might interfere with your immune system’s natural function, resulting in you getting sick. Another reason for this might be the lack of sunlight. Yes, that’s right – not getting enough sunlight might affect your immune system. This means that no matter how much you love the comfort of your own home, you need to get out from time to time – always remember that you need at least 20 minutes outside. So, dress up, and at least go to the store. Sunlight helps our body produce vitamin D, and it’s always super important for our body to get all the necessary vitamins.

Be as it may, it’s our job to help our body fight any diseases and boost our immune system. There are many ways in which we can do it, and even though it will inevitably happen sometimes, we need to know what we can do to make it as painless as possible.

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