Daily Bulletin

Last Minute Interstate Moving Tips From the Pros

  • Written by News Company

Imagine getting a call to fill your dream job.

The only problem, it’s in a faraway state and you have to move right away. Or maybe you were too busy transitioning out of your current job to prepare for the move.

Either way, you’re in full-on panic mode because your move is coming up in the next few days.

No worries. Take some tips from the professional interstate removalists at Zoom Removals—and you can handle your last-minute move like a pro.

Call the Removalists ASAP
It’s important to get a booking right away because many removalists have full schedules, especially on peak season. Be upfront with your situation and most companies will try their best to accommodate you.

If you haven’t packed yet, consider paying a little extra to have your removalist pack most of your things.

Handle The Paperwork Before You Move

Have your medical, dental, and veterinary records transferred to providers in your new location. If you have children in school, fill out all the required papers to transfer them to their new school. Cancel utility service at your old home and schedule it to turn on at your new home.

Get Rid of Inessentials

People whose jobs require them to move often, such as those in the military or defence industry and young corporate executives, know that paring down your belongings to eliminate all but the most valuable and essential is the key to a successful move.

You really don’t need every paper the kids brought home from school. Limit it to a few, and you can enjoy all the memories without all the clutter. Similarly, all those clothes from a few years ago that you’re still hoping to fit in the future—pitch it. Chances are by the time you get down to the required weight, the item will be hopelessly outdated.

Try to keep things that only have value to you and your household, monetary or sentimental. It will be hard but the key is to pare down your collection down to your finest and pack those. You really don’t need five different sets of crockery. Sell or donate your least favourites.

Consider storage If you haven’t room for something that has great value to you. That way, you can retrieve them if you eventually find a room for them in your new home.

Recruit Your Friends and Family to Help

Don’t hesitate to call on those close to you. Better yet, make it a farewell party with some takeaway and bubbly to create memories that you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

Pack Your First-Week Essentials

It will take sometime for you to adjust, unpack, and arrange everything in your new home. Pack enough clothing, food, and household basics to last you until you unpack your things at your new location. Also, important legal papers and valuables should travel with you and not the moving van.


Don’t wait if you have an upcoming move. By following these tips outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to y our home with reduced stress.



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