5 Things You Can Do To Help Wildlife In Australia
- Written by Daily Bulletin

Australia is home to many different species of wildlife, and it's important that we make sure they are taken care of. There are a few simple things you can do to help Australia's wildlife, such as leaving water out for them in the summer months or creating a backyard wildlife haven. Go to this URL and find five things you can do to help wildlife in Australia:
- Leave Water Out:
During hot summer days, native animals like birds, kangaroos, and wallabies often have difficulty finding water sources. To help these animals stay cool, leave fresh water out for them in shallow containers with stones or wood blocks that they can stand on so they don't drown. It's also important not to leave any swimming pools unfilled during the hot summer months as this can be a dangerous hazard.
- Supervise Companion Animals:
Dogs and cats are great companions, but in the wild, they can cause havoc for native wildlife. Be sure to always keep an eye on your pets when you take them out for walks or let them play outside, and ensure that they are never left unattended. It's also important to make sure that any companion animals do not have access to areas with high concentrations of native wildlife such as national parks or reserves.
- Turn Your Backyard into a Wildlife Haven:
Creating a haven for native wildlife doesn't require much effort – all you need is some suitable plants and trees! Planting local species of shrubs, flowers, grasses, and trees will encourage wildlife to come in search of food, while providing them with habitats they can use for nesting and shelter.
- Keep an Eye Out for Heat Stressed Wildlife:
When summer temperatures soar, native animals are particularly vulnerable to heat stress. If you come across a wild animal that appears to be unwell or distressed due to the heat, it's best not to approach it directly – instead, contact your local wildlife rescue service who will know how best to handle the situation.
- Share Your Fruit Trees with Hungry Wildlife:
Many native animals such as possums and birds love feasting on fruit from backyard trees! Sharing your excess fruit with these hungry critters is a great way to give back to nature and help our natural ecosystems. Just make sure you don't leave any fallen fruit on the ground – this can attract pests that can damage your garden or trees.
By taking part in these simple activities, we can all help ensure Australia's wildlife thrives for generations to come. So why not give it a try? You'll be doing your bit to protect our unique wildlife!