A Concise History of Renewable Energy
- Written by NewsServices.com

As of 2019, renewable technology generated 11% of the world's energy, that includes hydropower, wind energy, geothermal energy, solar power, and biomass. Everyone who feels concerned about global warming (as you should be!) knows that figure needs to be 100% as soon as possible.
That's the future, but what about the history of renewable energy? Is it a new technology, or does the renewable energy timeline stretch back hundreds of years?
Read on to learn about the history of renewable energy technology. Some of these renewable energy facts might surprise you!
History of Wind Energy
One of, if not, the first renewable energy source was wind energy. The first rudimentary uses of wind power go as far back as 1700 BC. Farmers used to use the wind to irrigate their crops, but it wasn't a sophisticated process.
Greek engineer Heron of Alexandria, invented the wind wheel around 62 AD, which could power machines. And today, wind turbines (or wind farms) cover vast areas of land and sea.
History of Hydropower
Hydropower also appears at the beginning of the history of renewable energy. Using water to power machines dates back as far as 200 BC.
People in China, India, and Ancient Rome used watermills and water wheels in fast-flowing rivers to grind grains like flour. They also used water to power saws to chop materials like wood and stone.
Today, hydropower companies use dams to flow water through spinning turbine blades. These turbines connect to generators to produce power.
History of Geothermal Energy
There's a huge gap in the history of renewable energy because geothermal energy wasn't realized until the early 1900s. Through a happy accident, a farmer found a hot water source underneath the ground that produced steam when exposed to the surface. When put through a turbine, this steam can produce energy.
Nowadays, there are geothermal plants worldwide. Since they don't have to rely on the weather, they produce energy 24/7.
History of Solar Power
Speaking of the weather, solar power also came into being at a similar time to geothermal power. Scientists like Heinrich Hertz and Albert Einstein were key to this discovery. They found that light could generate electricity when it hit certain materials.
Fast forward 100 years, and homeowners can generate their own solar power! If you're interested in becoming part of this renewable revolution, you can talk with Blue Raven or solar power experts local to you.
History of Biomass
It's one of the least-known renewable energy sources, but humans have been using biomass since the dawn of time. They've burned wood for fuel since 400,000 BC to be exact. Biomass energy sources in the 21st century include using animal manure, waste food, and plants as fuel.
What Has the History of Renewable Energy Taught You?
This history of renewable energy should have taught you that renewable energy isn't new. It's natural to use the earth's infinite resources for power. These energy sources should also be our only source of power if we want the earth to stay as it is.
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