- Written by comparethemarket

Annual birth data across 18 countries analysed by Australian comparison company Compare the Market has revealed that despite India and China recording the same population in 2020 of 1.3 billion, India recorded 36.3 billion births more than China.
Of the countries included in the research, India recorded the highest number of births with 121.1 million across the period, whereas New Zealand reported the least (298,072). In 2020, the birth rate per 1,000 persons was 18.2 in India and 12.8 in New Zealand.
There were slightly more male births reported than there were females in almost all countries, except for Germany and the United Kingdom which both presented an even split. In all other countries, males presented between 51% and 53% of all births.
Despite there being more male births than females, data from the World Health Organization indicates that females have a longer life expectancy of six to eight years on average. This is true across all ages, with newborn females being more likely to survive until their first birthday and maintaining lower mortality rates at all ages. WHO contributes the difference in life expectancy to an inherent biological advantage for females, and key behavioural differences between sexes.
Similar information is recorded by the CIA World Factbook. Their data suggests that over the age of 65 years old, most countries have a higher number of females than males.
Compare the Market’s research also included a look at the average age of mothers at their first birth. There was a considerable difference between the highest (Ireland, 30 years) and the lowest (Bangladesh, 17 years). The mean age of childbearing across all 18 countries is 29.06, which is one year older than the global average (28.06).
For more birth-related insights including a district breakdown of male and female births, visit
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