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Web Wisdom - Simple Ways to Increase Sales as an e-Commerce Website

  • Written by News Company

The online marketplace is a virtual paradise for consumers who love a bargain. Today’s e-commerce has become so evolved that consumers not only have purchasing power, but they also can influence major trends before they ever become popular. The only issue for businesses is they have to constantly stay on top of the latest strategies to gain the advantage in an already competitive market.

Current online marketing and public relations campaigns can effectively promote your product or business. And, when implemented correctly, these campaigns can give your business real insight as to how to effectively reach your target audience. However, there are other ways you can increase visibility to your website, and thus, increase sales for your e-commerce business.

Let’s take a closer look at some simple strategies you can use to boost sales on your e-commerce website and move towards a more lucrative future.

Virtual Sales Assistants

Hiring a virtual sales assistant (VSA) can help you tackle tasks related to your online business more efficiently. Your virtual sales assistant can capture data and communicate with the public. Virtual assistants by Preezie, for example, can help your business effectively communicate with the public to encourage the types of relationships that contribute to brand loyalty. Whether it involves answering emails or comments from customers or gathering data to better market to your target audience, VSAs make your online presence more accessible to those online.

User-Friendly Accessibility

When organising your website, make the site user-friendly. As opposed to websites that might look attractive but make it difficult to navigate, a user-friendly website makes it easy for consumers to find information on the exact products, makes icons clearly visible to the consumer, and makes it easy for consumers to perform tasks. By creating a site that is easy to use, your business removes many of the frustrations that can potentially turn customers away.

SEO Optimisation

Customers cannot get to your site if it comes up last on the search list. One way to improve your site’s visibility is to use SEO optimisation. SEO involves using popular keywords within website content that can guarantee your site is seen by consumers. These keywords can mean the difference between your site showing up on the first page of Google and not showing up at all. AdWords and other sites can give you a list of words that can help your site to rank in the search results and can be the key to leading customers to your site.

Online Payment Platforms

While many customers purchase items through credit or debit options, cash is still a viable way to shop, so businesses still have cash registers that allow consumers to pay cash. Similarly, the online format primarily operates by offering consumers debit and credit payment options, but another way to increase sales is to include online merchants such as PayPal as a method of payment. By using non-traditional payment platforms as a method of payment, you make point of sale transactions more accessible to the online community, which makes shopping much more convenient.

Online Demos

Another way to attract and retain customers is to upload demos of the way in which your products can be used. Demos are helpful in showing consumers how the product should be used, in addition to the results when used properly. Your demos can be instructional and can also be used for advertising purposes depending on how you approach creating them.

Competing In The E-Commerce Platform

Nowadays, when conducting business online, your website is crucial in projecting the right image to your audience. Ultimately, the simplest way to increase your sales is to ensure you package your products or services correctly through how you present them on your website. A site that is easy to navigate, that makes payment methods accessible and visible to the public, and that provides visuals as to how the products work can only boost sales. With the right design, usability and navigation, you can be sure that your e-commerce store will attract and retain more customers going forward.

Digital marketing agencies are fudging the numbers and distorting the outcomes for their clients

  • Written by Luke Harrison

Many digital marketing agencies manipulate reports to make themselves look good, offering vanity stats that really provide no benefit to their clients. One of the most common mistakes companies make when it comes to hiring an external digital agency is they don’t check that the agency knows how to properly track the right metrics to measure their return on investments. And they don't insist on getting that information.

“Too many digital agencies across the country are getting away with substandard work by reporting on egotistic metrics as opposed to metrics that impact the bottom line,” says Binh An Nguyen, Managing Director of Adelaide based digital agency Market Ease.

“Followers, likes, shares and clicks can all be manipulated and purchased. They don't really make any difference to the bottom line. It’s the conversion metrics that have an impact. Many businesses get caught up in the excitement of getting a great number of visitors or additions to their database, but they are not worth anything if they don’t convert,” says An Nguyen.

When it comes to conversion metrics, there are two types of conversions you should be looking for:

Macro Conversions – this is the end action you would like the user to take after they visit your website or business. For example, a car dealership’s macro conversion is the number of cars sold.

Micro Conversions – these are the other actions you want the user to take to get closer to the end goal. For example, a car dealership would measure the number of online enquiries, phone calls, appointments, test-drives etc. And it’s these micro conversions that lead to the end goal, resulting in the macro conversion.

Most agencies want to look good to their clients, and as a result, they ‘fudge’ the numbers if they aren’t getting the sales conversions that were hoped for. As a result, you really need to do your homework before employing an agency to manage your digital marketing to ensure that you are not going to be wasting your money by being fed vanity statistics rather than real, sales conversion stats.

There are some specific questions that you should be asking your potential (or incumbent) agency to work out if they can really help your business. These questions should include:

1. Are you currently tracking Macro and Micro conversions?
Learn how your agency is measuring the success of their campaign. Hint: It should relate to profit. 

2. How many of these conversions can be directly attributed to their marketing? 
Your agency needs to be able to prove that their online advertisements are bringing in sales, and that they are targeting the right channels to convert your customers. 

3. Can you show me these results in Google Analytics?
If your agency is tracking correctly and their advertisements are working, they should clearly be able to show their results in Google Analytics and be able to talk through the stats with you, demonstrating how their campaigns have impacted.

For example, South Australian Catholic school, Mary MacKillop College, measures important micro and macro conversions such as how many people viewed the school fees, the number of prospectus downloads, open day registrations, principal tours, and ultimately enrolments, in order to make important business decisions.

“These real, in-depth metrics give us valuable insights into what is going on with our digital campaigns, and which areas of our campaign need more attention. It really helps us to make more informed decisions that impact the overall result of our marketing campaigns,” says Kath McGuigan, Principal of the College.

“Without understanding which part of your sales funnel is leaking, it is difficult to optimise the user experience for maximum success,” Nguyen says. “If you’re working with a digital agency and they are not talking specifically about conversions (both micro and macro) with you, then it might be time to look for a new agency.”

To find out more about Macro and Micro conversions and how they might apply to your digital marketing, go to www.marketease.com.au.

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