Daily Bulletin

Coalition Government delivers $2.25 million to Queensland Cane Growers’ Organisation

  • Written by David Littleproud MP

Queensland Sugarcane growers will be able to show big sugar buyers how sustainably their product was grown thanks to a cutting edge project funded by the Coalition Government.


The Sustainable Sugar Project aims to use encrypted data, called blockchain, to clearly show sugar buyers where the sugarcane came from and the sustainability of that farm. Big sugar buyers, who are seeking more and more sustainably grown product, are likely to pay more in future for sustainably grown and fully traceable sugar as their customers ask for it.

Member for Capricornia Michelle Landry said this smart farm project will help farmers gain recognition for farming sustainably and hopefully down the track, increase farm gate prices.


“Canegrowers across central Queensland are getting on board with the Smartcane Best Management Practice approach to soil health, vegetation and biodiversity,” Ms Landry said.


“They deserve to be recognised and rewarded for it.


“The $2.25 million Smart Farm grant was delivered to Queensland Cane Growers’ who will partner with Queensland Sugar Ltd on this four year project.”


Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources David Littleproud said consumers and food manufacturers want sustainably sourced food and fibre, including sugar, and they want to know where it comes from.


“This project aims to use new blockchain technology, which is an encrypted chain of data, to show clearly where the sugarcane came from and the sustainability of that farm,” Minister Littleproud said.


“The reason this data is so important is it cannot be tampered with.


“Coca-Cola, for example, has a plan to source 100 per cent of its sugar from sustainable sources by 2020.


“Blockchain technology would help Coca-Cola to pinpoint sustainably grown sugar in the supply chain, where it came from and who grew it.


“This technology would provide assurances around the sustainability of our sugar and ensure canefarmers using sustainable practices can attract a premium price for their product.


“Because the demand for sustainably produced food continues to grow this project will help to increase exports and help gain better access to markets to capitalise on our important free trade agreements.”


For more information about the National Landcare Program visit www.nrm.gov.au.


Fast Facts:

  • Smart Farming Partnership Grants ranged between $480,000 and $4 million.
  • The National Landcare Program’s second phase is an investment of more than $1 billion to 2023.
  • Landcare was launched in 1989 and has had bipartisan support for nearly 30 years.
  • Almost 80 per cent of Australia’s sugar production is exported as bulk raw sugar, making Australia the third largest sugar exporter in the world.
  • Sugar exports in 2016/17 were worth $1.7 billion in export earnings for Queensland.
  • Asia is a major focus with key export markets including: South Korea, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia.
  • Sugar is set to benefit from free trade agreements such as the TPP11, the Peru FTA.
  • KAFTA and JAEPA both eliminated the tariff on sugar on entry into force.
  • In 2017, sugar exports to Korea and Japan grew to $953 million and $407 million respectively since the FTAs came into force (2014 and 2015) up some 125 per cent and 94 per cent respectively on pre KAFTA and JAEPA figures.

Danilo de Andrade joins Di Bella Coffee

  • Written by Camille Keating

A leading Brazilian specialty coffee roaster and barista has brought his love of coffee and skills to one of Australia’s most loved coffee brands, Di Bella Coffee in his new role as the company’s Product Manager.


Darren Dench, CEO of Di Bella Coffee said : “Danilo de Andrade has a wealth of coffee knowledge and expertise across various coffee roasting platforms and multiple award-winning Barista competitions and we are excited to welcome him to our Bowen Hills headquarters.


Danilo is as passionate about the crop to cup process as we are, and this really defines the Di Bella coffee experience.”


Danilo developed his love of coffee in his home town of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the world's largest producer of coffee, and then travelled the globe to develop his skills as a roaster and barista before arriving in Australia.


Mr Dench continued, and said: “Danilo has developed a strong following of devoted coffee lovers here in Australia and he will be bringing this unique skillset to our entire coffee industry supply chain.”


Danilo’s experience and expertise is exceptional and he has finessed his knowledge and skills by working across the entire coffee process – working as a roaster, buying and sourcing green beans, working as a quality control manager, and even training others on the unique attributes and flavours that a single bean can contain


Mr Dench said that having someone who really understands how to respect and work with the wide variety of flavours is critical for discerning coffee drinkers.


Danilo is able to understand and leverage the flavour nuances so that blend profiles reflect differing taste profiles. Coffee is similar to wine in this respect and the variety of tasting notes, the complexities of spices and the robustness or velvetiness of flavours need to sing together in real harmony”.


Danilo will continue the journey of Di Bella Coffee by creating unique coffee blends that their loyal customers can savour.


My coffee philosophy is to retain the integrity of the bean’s origin and unlock the flavours and nuances that the growers want to amplify and that Di Bella consumers truly enjoy,” Danilo said.

About Di Bella Coffee


Di Bella Coffee is Australia’s leading specialty coffee roaster and supports ethical and sustainable producers. These relationships provide access to the world’s finest coffees and are an important part of delivering the Ultimate Coffee Experience. Di Bella Coffee is part of Australia’s largest multi-food franchise operator, Retail Food Group (RFG), a global coffee specialist with an integrated approach to sourcing, roasting and distributing high-quality coffee.

Di Bella Coffee Company strives to employ individuals who align with its company culture, values and objectives. The Di Bella Coffee Company’s Crop to Cup philosophy is to pay tribute to the farmer and his crop by way of specialty roasting delivering the most premium roasted coffee beans to the respected barista to extract flavours intended by each crop, delivering a uniquely roasted coffee experience to our end customer.



For more information on Di Bella Coffee, visit https://dibellacoffee.com/ or follow their journey at https://www.facebook.com/DiBellaCoffee or https://www.instagram.com/dibellacoffees.

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