Moving? Your Move

Packing up and moving can be extremely time-consuming and stressful. Apparently, the stress caused can be the equivalent of losing a close family member, so yeah, that puts it into perspective. How can you best utilise your time and effort to get packed up and ready for the big move, without dealing with all that stress? Here, we will run through some excellent options together.
Hire Professional Packers
- Hire a Service – Let's get straight into getting other people to do it for you! Why not? If you are short on time, and have the funds to afford to pay for it, you can get a professional packing service in to handle the whole process for you. From making sure all your valuables and fragile items are safe and secure, to getting all that boxing up done, a huge chunk of that stress load will dissipate immediately. If you are looking for professional house packers in Melbourne, look no further.
Decluttering First
- Sort and Purge – We all know we have things we’ve kept for way too long, that we just never got round to chucking out. This would be a perfect time to start rummaging through your home, and decide what you want to keep, sell, throw out, or donate. By doing this, you’ll have less things that need to be packed, reducing your workload, giving back with some donations, and putting a little money in your own pocket, quite possibly.
- Host a Car Boot Sale (Yard Sale) – With all those things you are not looking to keep and move on, sell or donate them in your local community, or at an organised car boot sale event.
Room-by-Room Method
- Step-by-Step – Just go through your home one room at a time. Don’t complicate it, and start another before you’ve finished one. Maybe ease into it by starting on the rooms you use the least, such as storage areas and guest bedrooms (if you’re lucky enough to have one). Click on this link for some interesting information on homes.
- Labelling – Be sure to label each box that you have packed up, with the room it came from. This way, you can distinguish easily what is what.
- Color-coding – If you are a little bit on the forgetful side, like I am, then you can roll back the years, and act as if you are in primary school with some colour-coded stickers on your boxes. Make seem a little much, but it will keep things organised, and simplify the whole process.
Here are some good examples of ways to get organised when it comes to packing up, and moving homes. Whether you get a professional company in to do the leg work for you, or you go it alone, and get colour-coding, sorting, decluttering and donating, these simple steps will certainly get you moving. Check out this website for great information on moving homes where you are.