5 Steps to Starting a New Business in Australia
- Written by News Company
Australia is a nation with a proud entrepreneurial history. The unforgiving Australian landscape demanded the utmost creativity and ingenuity from our ancestors, traits that continue to pervade Australian society even today.

There are business opportunities abound for aspiring Aussies, but you might need a little help to take those all-important first steps. The following advice comes straight from the Australian Small Business Development Corporation of Western Australia, but their advice is applicable in all six states.
Make Sure You’re Ready
Wanting to start your own business is a little bit like wanting to be your own band - anyone can do it but doing it to the level of success that most people envision isn’t easy. Just like rock stars, the majority of those who try to become entrepreneurs will end up failing, no matter how much they want it.
Assess the Virtues of Your Idea
Research. Research. Research. Before you quit your current job and start making plans to start your business in earnest, you first need to make sure that you know what to expect. No matter what business you are planning on going into, you will be competing with other businesses. Even if you invent an entirely new product, one that you think can supplant an existing one, you will have to compete with businesses that sell the old product.
Build a Business Plan
Your business plan should set out exactly what your business plans to achieve and how you intend to achieve it. One common mistake that new businesses often make with their plans is that they assume once the plan is written, that’s it. In fact, your business plan should be a living document that is updated to reflect your ever-evolving circumstance. Update projections as you go and make sure that your business plan always represents a realistic roadmap for the future.
Check the Laws in Your State
Before you open your business, make sure you check whether there are any special restrictions or regulations you need to know about for the state you are based in. Of course, you will also need to know about the relevant tax codes. Make sure that you check things at both the state and federal level.
Work Out Your Marketing Strategy
Whatever your business does and wherever it plans on doing it, you will need to make people aware of your existence. A solid and thoughtful marketing strategy is essential to your long-term success. The best way of marketing your business will depend on a number of factors, not least of all your available budget.
Once you have established a customer base and begun to build your reputation, you then need to focus on maintaining that reputation. If your business becomes known for the wrong reasons, and not appreciated for the things it does well, it will hurt your progress. Australian businesses can use Removify to scrub inaccurate, unfair, and damaging content about their business from the internet. They can also offer the same service to you as an individual if there is content about you personally that is harming your business reputation.
As long as you take the time to properly research and prepare for it, starting your own business should be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. It won’t be easy, starting a business is always challenging, but if you can pull it off then it might be the best decision you ever make.