Daily Bulletin

Separate but unequal: the sad fate of Aboriginal heritage in Western Australia

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageMore than 3,000 Aboriginal sites have lost registration status as part of sweeping changes in classifications in the Aboriginal Heritage Register.Domes of Purnululu, Western Australia. Pic: David Denicolò

There is systemic discrimination against Aboriginal heritage in Western Australia. This does not come from a racist administrator...

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What would make a GST increase 'fair'?

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imagePrime minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised any changes to the GST will be "fair".AAP/Mick Tsikas

Amidst the backdrop of a looming funding gap for hospitals and schools, NSW Premier Mike Baird and South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill are taking proposals to increase the GST to 15% to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) this Friday.


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Shorten pledges to mobilise ASIC against union corruption

  • Written by The Conversation Contributor
imageOpposition Leader Bill Shorten will on Monday announce a number of proposals aimed at stamping out union corruption. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Tougher penalties and a central role for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission are key parts of a policy to crack down on union corruption to be announced by opposition leader Bill Shorten on Monday.


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  4. Ice report marks a welcome shift in thinking towards prevention and treatment
  5. Ex-ASIO chief to beef up Foreign Investment Review Board's national security credentials
  6. Liberals hold North Sydney despite a 13% primary vote swing against them
  7. Business big hitters highlight the huge growth in climate risk management
  8. Paris climate talks slow to a crawl as obstructionists threaten the deal
  9. Naomi Klein's 'Leap Manifesto': we can't rely on big business for a climate fix
  10. Watt report suggests financial incentives for measuring research impact
  11. Don't blame and shame women for unintended pregnancies
  12. The German migrant story holds lessons for Australia's Muslim community today
  13. How we trace the hackers behind a cyber attack
  14. VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on misplaced poltical loyalties
  15. Education department secretary Lisa Paul quits
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  17. James Hansen arrives – at his first ever COP
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  23. Grattan on Friday: Ian Macfarlane, done down in the reshuffle, one-ups Malcolm Turnbull
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  25. Refugees' suffering can't be eased in their current conditions
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