Daily Bulletin

A Guide to Choosing a Pool Layout for Your Home

  • Written by Diana Smith

A swimming pool is a great addition to a family home. It offers lots of fun for the whole family, gives you a new venue to throw small parties, and in the long run, it increases the value of the property.

That’s why you need to take some time and choose the pool size, shape, layout, how it’s lit and numerous other details, all while ensuring the pool's safety is certified. These will increase the overall safety, versatility and the enjoyment you get out of the pool and they don’t necessarily add that much to its price.

The size

The first thing to decide on will be the size of the pool. There are a few main concerns you should address in regards to this. It starts with how big your yard is and therefore, how much space you have overall. It’s also useful to know who will use the pool and how they will do it.

It’s also important to factor in how much patio you want around the pool. It’s an especially important feature for those who want to throw poolside parties since that’s where they will do it.


The next step is to decide how long you want your pool to last. This will affect the materials you’re going to use and therefore, the price of the pool overall. If you want the pool to be something you install only once, you’ll need to spend more on it. Even though it’s more expensive, this is the most common way to handle inground pool installation since it’s done once and you don’t need to worry about it.

It’s also important to consider the longevity of the patio itself. The patio will probably require some repairs as you continue to use it and choosing the right materials is imperative.


Concrete is the most popular and the most expensive material for building pools. The benefits of this approach are that it can be shaped in any form and fit any size so you can use your yard the way you want to. It’s also the most durable option, but it takes from 3 to 12 weeks to install it.


Australian homeowners are starting to use vinyl as their material of choice much more than they did before. The main advantage is that the pool is quickly constructed offsite and then just poured into the hole in the ground. The main danger, however, is that you could rupture this type of pool with a toy or any other pointy object.


Fiberglass is the newest option on our list but it’s gaining popularity as well. They are pre-made in a factory and then installed in your yard, which means that the sizes and shapes are a bit limited. The installation lasts just 3 days and these pools are easier to clean than others.


It’s important to take pool lighting seriously. When hiring a reliable electrician from Northern Beaches, you need to make sure that their first job will be to make the patio area safe and well-lit. This is especially important for those who want to organize poolside parties since the safety of your guest is imperative.

Once this is over, there are many ways to play with decorative LED lights, some of which could be installed around the pool and some of which could be placed within the pool itself. This allows you to use the pool to change the ambiance of your yard.

The shape

When all of that is set and done, you should decide on the shape of the pool. This partly depends on what kind of yard you have, but it’s also a matter of personal preference since you need to choose the type of pool you’ll enjoy.

Roman swimming pool

A Roman swimming pool is one that comes with the small open space beside the actual pool. It will decrease the size of the pool you have for actual swimming, but it will also give you a chance to relax in the open space on a hot summer day.

L-shaped pools

L-shaped pools actually come in two shapes. One that’s actually shaped like the letter L and the other that’s called a lazy L, meaning the longer part of the L shape isn’t as long as it is with the first option. This shape also allows you to have a swimming and a party area.

Freeform pools

In the end, there are always freeform pools that can bend and be shaped as you want them. These are the most decorative and the most difficult ones to construct.

Many Australian homes are installing small backyard pools. These aren’t that expensive and they add a lot to the property. It’s useful to consider the details of the project, such as the size, shape, and the lighting of the pool early on.

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