Daily Bulletin

Tireless Efforts - Where to Start When Identifying Sleep Issues

  • Written by News Company

Tossing, turning, twitching and rolling from side to side without managing to drift off to sleep. Is there anything worse? Well, yes, probably, but not getting enough Z’s is up there with life’s major headaches. So, if you find yourself wide awake at night, dreading to look at the clock to find out exactly how many hours you’ve got left until you’ve got to be up at it again, read on to discover how to begin to identify some common sleep issues.

Do You Have the Right Mattress?

Did you know that an uncomfortable mattress can have a negative impact on the quality of sleep that you get each night? The perfect mattress is sort of like Goldilocks porridge - it can’t be too lumpy, too soft or too hard. And hopefully not too hot or too cold. It has got to be perfect for you and your partner (if you share your bed with someone). A memory foam mattress will contour to the natural shape of your body, providing a smooth and solid sleeping experience.

If you’ve got back, neck or shoulder pain a bad mattress can actually exacerbate these conditions to no end. So another choice of mattress could be one specifically designed to support your sleeping posture. While memory foam does this, there are other options on the market too, and it’s worth exploring your options. Head to a few stores and read a few reviews and find your perfect mattress.

A Word About Screen Time and Light

Did you know that the majority of electronic devices you own - smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers and even kindles - emit a type of light called blue light that can really mess with your sleep. Blue light can prohibit the creation of melatonin, a hormone that practically controls your entire circadian rhythms. It’s a great idea to switch off all screens an hour or two before you plan to bunk down for the night. And yes, we mean no sneaky peeks at your Facebook or Twitter right before you go to bed. Try reading a book or listening to some soft music to relax instead.

Good Routine is Healthy

This next tip isn’t going to be too popular with those that look forward to their weekend sleep-ins all week, but it’s one that we’re duty bound to share nevertheless. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every single day is one of the most effective ways to regulate your sleep pattern. Even sleeping in by a few hours one day of the week is enough to scupper your body clock for the next few days. So, it may be worth getting into the habit of waking up early and using the extra time to pursue a creative hobby, or to get some exercise.

Professional Assistance

Sometimes, and not always, insomnia can be caused due to stress, worry, anxiety or fear about the future or regret of the past. If you think that your mental health may be suffering, and your sleep in turn, there’s no shame in asking for help. If you’re an Australian citizen, Medicare offers a range of rebates for psychological services. So, if you think there’s more to your lack of sleep than meets the eye, don’t hesitate in talking to a professional.

There You Have It

So there you are. Make sure that you are sleeping on the right mattress and your issues may resolve themselves. Instigate a strict rule about no blue light-emitting devices a few hours before you are due to hit the hay. Ensure that you have a healthy sleep routine and don’t be scared to ask for help if you feel you need it. Sweet dreams!


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