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A Brief History of the Iraqi Dinar and the Current Situation

  • Written by NewsServices.com

The world of currencies is constantly changing and evolving - that’s why it is so exciting. All currencies in the world have some sort of history, their ups, and downs, and learning about them can help you understand them better. If you’re interested in trading currencies, knowing more about them can be very useful. So, today we want to discuss an exotic currency known as the Iraqi Dinar.

The Iraqi Dinar has been through a lot in the past. As a result, there are many theories, evaluations, and even scams that are connected to this currency. In this article, we will go through a brief history of the Iraqi Dinar and give you a run-down of the current situation of this currency. 

If you learn more about the Iraqi Dinar, you’ll be able to better evaluate whether this is a currency you want to invest in or not. So, keep reading to learn more.

A Brief History of the Iraqi Dinar

Let's start our Iraqi Dinar guide with a quick history lesson. The Iraqi Dinar was first introduced in 1932 after Iraq gained independence from the British Empire. The new Iraqi currency replaced the Indian Rupee and was pegged to the Sterling Pound at a rate of 1 Dinar = 11.3 Pounds. That meant that 1 Pound could buy 8.7 Dinars.

After World War II, the Bretton Woods Agreement resulted in most world currencies being pegged to the US Dollar. As a result, the Iraqi Dinar was also pegged to the US Dollar after 1959. It was tied to the dollar at a rate of 1 Dinar = 2.8 Dollars, with no change in value.

Even though the US dollar experienced a devaluation in 1971 and 1973, the IQD did not follow this devaluation. The rate increased to 3.33 USD and decreased slightly to 3.22 USD because of a 5% devaluation. This remained the official exchange rate until 1990.

The Gulf War and UN Sanctions (1990-2003)

In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, which resulted in United Nations sanctions being placed on the country. These sanctions included a ban on oil exports which greatly impacted Iraq’s economy. As a consequence, the value of the Iraqi Dinar began to plummet.

After the war, the government introduced a new currency that was worse in quality than the former Swiss dinar. The old notes (Swiss dinar) were still being used in some parts of the country.

Due to the UN sanctions and the continued decline of the Iraqi economy, the value of the New Dinar also began to decrease. They had a lack of printing technology due to the sanctions placed on the country. All this led to a devalued currency with an average of 1,950 IQD per USD by 2003.

The Revaluation (2003-Present)

In 2003, new, higher-quality notes were once again printed in order to unify the nation's currency. In contrast to Swiss notes, which were exchanged at a rate of one Swiss note for 150 new notes, old notes were exchanged for new ones on a one-to-one basis.

The new currency was introduced in 2004 and quickly rose in value against the US Dollar. Since then, the value of the Iraqi Dinar has been relatively stable against the US Dollar, thanks to Iraq’s relative economic stability in this period. The current exchange rate is around 1,458 New Dinars = 1 US Dollar.

The Current Situation

Now that we’ve explored the history of the Iraqi Dinar let’s take a look at the current situation.

After struggling with the aftermath of the Gulf War and the US-led invasion in 2003, Iraq has been faced with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, just like the rest of the world. The economy has undoubtedly experienced strains. 

However, Iraq’s economy is considered to be recovering, and the GDP is considered to have risen by 1,3% last year. This seems like a hopeful sign for the Iraqi currency and economic situation.

It is vital to keep in mind that this currency is still considered high risk due to the country's instability. If you’re thinking about investing in Iraqi dinars, you should do your research and understand the risks involved. Also, we advise keeping a close eye on the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate.

Iraqi Dinar Scams

Since the country's main export, crude oil, is valued in US dollars, the Iraqi dinar has relatively little value outside of the country. Regardless, Iraqi Dinar scams are becoming increasingly common as the value of the currency has risen in recent years. These scams typically involve investors being promised large profits if they purchase Iraqi dinars.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the value of the Iraqi Dinar will continue to rise. In fact, given the instability in Iraq, it is more likely that the value of the currency will continue to decline. Besides, many publications and agencies advise against these investments.

So, when it comes to investing in Iraqi Dinar, buyers should beware of these elaborate schemes. There are a number of red flags that can indicate an Iraqi Dinar scam, such as:

  • Promises of guaranteed profits
  • Pressure to buy immediately
  • High sales commissions
  • Unreasonable exchange rates

If you are thinking about investing in Iraqi Dinar, be sure to do your research and understand the risks involved. There are a number of reputable currency dealers who can help you buy Iraqi Dinar, but be sure to avoid any offers that seem too good to be true. Because usually, when things seem to be too good to be true, they probably are.

Thinking of Investing in the Iraqi Dinar?

The Iraqi Dinar has been through a lot in the past few decades. From economic sanctions to war, this currency has faced it all. And as a result, the value of the Iraqi Dinar has fluctuated greatly.

If you’re considering investing in this currency, you need to be aware of all the risks you might face. The Iraqi economy is still struggling, and the country's future is uncertain. In addition, there are a number of scams involving Iraqi Dinar that buyers should keep an eye out for. So, before making any deals or investments, make sure you are making an informed decision.

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