Daily Bulletin

How Learning a New Instrument Can Help You Cope with Lockdown

  • Written by News Company

Social distancing and self-isolation have become the usual norm. However, it can be tricky to remain indoors for weeks without indulging in social outings. But what if you were to use this time to learn to play a new musical instrument?

You don’t have to think about becoming a professional musician. Instead, consider it as a coping mechanism that can help you deal with the lockdown. The best thing is that you don’t have to go out but learn everything about a musical instrument via an app from the comfort of your home.

As more people adopt new hobbies to get through lockdown, it is better to dive into a learning activity that can help you more than just pass the time. It is one thing to listen to music and quite another to play the instrument itself.

Once you muster up the courage to take your first step to have a learning mindset, you are halfway there. To help you set an example, here are a set of guidelines that can help you learn an instrument during the lockdown and still enjoy the small pleasures life has to offer:

  • Regulate Your Mood

Although a guitar is a good choice, a piano can help you regulate your mood better. In fact, there is sufficient proven research that states that learning to play piano decreases the level of stress and even lowers cortisol levels.

Technically, when you play an instrument like the piano, it functions as your new emotional outlet. So, when you compose a new piece of music on a piano, it devours your sadness. Consequently, you become less tense and more poetic.

  • Improve Your Virtual Communication

You may have noticed that pianists have an impeccable level of coordination. When you learn to play the piano, it allows you to increase your coordination. You can use that heightened sense of coordination on your virtual communication channels.

  • Improve Your Listening Skills

You may be familiar with the saying is that to learn is to listen. Your intuition to listen, after all, allows you to see if you are hitting the correct notes on the piano. It is a continuous process that results in better listening skills.

  • Form the Habit of Reading

Since the entire global workforce is under lockdown, what better time to get into the reading habit. The more you read, the better you can capture the essence of a piece of music. In fact, you’d be surprised at how fast you can recognize different piano notes through your reading skills.

  • Enjoy the Feeling of Achievement

It is natural to view learning to play a musical instrument as a time-consuming and exhausting activity. Fortunately, gone are the days when you had to listen to dictatorial instructions of a piano tutor. Today, you can schedule your piano lessons as per your speed.

Once you figure out the basics of playing your favorite instrument, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. The pride and achievement you may feel after learning a lesson can be overwhelming. It is a reward that complements your mastery over a musical instrument.

  • Always Maintain a Sharp Mind

It is true - when you learn to play an instrument, your cognitive functions increase. You should think of it as an exercise for your mind. As a matter of fact, a musical instrument such as a piano can train your brain to become more energetic even during the lockdown.

  • Boost Level of Concentration

You need to pay attention to a multitude of elements when you learn to play a musical instrument. Whether you are an aspiring musician or want to make the most out of lockdown, try to understand the rhythm, beat, and texture of the composition. Once you comprehend the music as an artist, you will be able to boost your concentration and achieve harmony.

  • Perfect Time to Improve Your Management Skills

The extensive procedure of learning to play a musical instrument would help you better manage your time. Just because you are under a lockdown doesn’t mean you should lose your sense of time. In fact, carry out your indoor home responsibilities to achieve a balanced life.

  • Get the Hang of Music Theory

Your musical instrument is as good as you can read music. It may sound like an alien language to you at first, but with a little bit of help, you can learn the foundational scales and chords in no time. A good tip would be to listen to your recording and objectively analyze how good you are playing.

  • Take it Slow and Easy

As the extension of the lockdown continues around the world, you don’t need to rush to learn to play a new instrument. Practically, a 30 or 40 minutes session is more than enough to train your brain for better concentration.

So, play for half an hour or so each day, and don’t forget to take short breaks during sessions. However, short sessions don’t mean you should skip learning lessons. Once you take it slow, you will be able to repeat tunes better and don’t get disheartened.

  • Make the Most Out of Tech

A musical instrument is just a piece of equipment until you know how to utilize it through an app. You can, for example, find the best piano learning app with tutorials, attractive features, intuitive lessons, and video resources. You can check the free trial of the app to get the hang of it first.


Remember the first time you sat down in front of a piano? It was the feeling of complete self-control and solitude. The sound of the keys was like the promise of peace amidst chaotic times. It is incredible what a few piano keys can do. It inspires you to be a better human being and avoid your worst tendencies.  

If you are, however, looking for an app, then Skoove should be on your list. It contains all the inspiration, resources, collective melodies, technique videos, and instructions from pro tutors you need. There are enough features on the app that can help you take several online piano lessons a day.

Just because you’re in a lockdown doesn’t mean you have to view it as living in a gilded cage. The time couldn’t be more suitable to enhance your ability to learn a new musical instrument.

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