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10 Golden Rules for Writing the Best Argumentative Essays

  • Written by News Company

Argumentative essays are one of the most common essays which every student, whether in college or school, would need to write sometime or the other. Even though argumentative essays happen to be very easy to craft out, many people have issues writing them in an efficient manner. In fact, many a times, students tend to get frustrated while writing argumentative essays and also, hurt and dejected while reading other students’ argumentative essays.

This is because many people, in today’s world, are facing issues in expressing their opinions and also, in understanding other people’s opinions. Argumentative essays help one flush out their emotions clearly on a piece of paper and hence, those thoughts and expressions go out into the world to reach other students. Many teachers use argumentative essays as a tool to learn more about their students’ mentality. They learn what their students have learnt in the class tutorials and lectures. They also understand how the students’ agree or disagree with the theories being taught in class. This is why argumentative essays are one of the most common modes of finance assignment help for finance given to the students over a period of time.

You may be one of those students who have problems in expressing their ideas clearly to the teacher and your other classmates. If that is the case, worry not because in this article, we will talk about 10 golden rules of writing argumentative essays and understand the best ways to do so. Read on to find out more-

1 – Pick the right topic

Yes, I know that is quite obvious but people, mostly teachers, consider this one to be so obvious that they do not validate it in front of students. As a result of which, many students do not even understand the basic meaning of an argumentative essay. So I decided to clear the air once and for all before we move ahead with this article.

An argumentative essay is a long documented essay which clearly states one’s opinions on one side of the coin. In clearer words, you have to choose side of the topic and narrate your opinion on it in mostly either agreement of disagreement of the same. Hence, it is important to choose a topic which has two ethical sides to be spoken about. For example, you cannot pick something like ‘Effects of smoking’ for an argumentative essay because that topic can only be spoken in a negative light. There are of course no positive effects of smoking and so, if the teacher gives this as a topic, everyone will end up speaking about the same thing (negative effects of smoking) in their essay at my assignment help online to get the best idea about academic studies.

On the other hand, a topic like ‘Effects of demonetization’ can be considered to be a brilliant topic for an argumentative essay. This is because some will prefer to talk about the advantages of it while others may prefer to talk about disadvantages of the same. Few can even come up with an alternative of demonetization. In other words, this is a topic which will have people think and allow them to have different opinions on the same thing. Hence, such a topic should be chosen for argumentative essays.

2 – Brainstorm your ideas

May people complain that they are not able to clearly see their own thoughts about their topic as they are clouded by all the different opinions already available in the society or in the class. So for those people, I suggest this small exercise of brainstorming the idea. All you have to do is to pick up a piece of paper or open a blank word document and then, think as much as you can about the given topic. Remember that you do not have to think about arranging those thoughts so they are allowed to be as random as possible as long as they are about the topic. Now as you skim through those in your mind, jot them down on the blank document. Do not restrict yourself while writing these thoughts down. They do not necessarily have to be related to each other and so, there are no specific rules you need to keep in mind. Let the ideas flow and pour all of them onto the paper or document.

3 – Pick and choose your side

In the first step, I asked you to determine if your topic is right or not. Once you know your topic is right for penning down your argumentative essay, it is not time to choose the side of the topic you want to write about. Are you baffled by the demonetization in the country or are you in complete support of it? This is the step where you choose which side you want to play on. For this, I suggest you look at the thoughts you have jotted down in the second step and see, for example of networking assignment help which ideas feel the strongest to you.

Remember that, if the topic is right, there will be no right or wrong sides to choose from. You only have to pick the side you personally feel strongest about.

4 – Research your side

Once you have chosen your side of the story, it is time to see what others are talking about regarding the issue you are most concerned about. For this, you can go to a library or browse through various websites on the internet but your ultimate goal is to know everything others have already written about your topic. You can even jot down few points to use in your own essay.

5 – Research the other side

I know this sounds weird because you are only supposed to write about your own, then why would you want to waste time by researching the other side? Well, it is safe to say that people tend to have so many opinions that is important to know the best ones. Putting in clear words, you should know enough about the other side as well because you are supposed to counter attack their points in your own essay. If you just keep writing about your side without addressing the other side, then your essay might turn boring.

6 – Arrange in a tabular form

Now that you have researched and got enough information on both the sides of the topic, this is an exercise which I highly recommend. Until now, you have only dumped your thoughts and all the information directly onto the paper or document. In this step, it is time to arrange all of those ideas together. So, make a table with the two sides opposite to each other and then proceed on adding the thoughts and information in small bullet points under the appropriate heading. Once you complete all the information, you will have a tabular form of the essay you want to write.

7 – Swish out examples

Examples are the accelerator of any essay. This is because plain simple information does not hook anybody to a writer. You use examples for the reader to get invested in your thoughts. Examples are also an efficient tool to prove you point across the reader’s mind. Examples help you keep your essay entertaining as well and maintain your reader’s attention. Therefore, you are supposed to swish out examples in agreement your side and also in the disagreement of the other side. You can either think of fictional examples or you can use real life incidents. It mostly depends on the type of topic.

8 – Make a strong introduction

This is true for any type of essay and not just argumentative essay that you are supposed to bind your reader in your grasp right at the introduction stage. If not, your reader will not read ahead. In order to do so, you can use some quotes, a controversial question or a mind numbing fact. It all depends upon your topic. Another thing I want you to keep in mind is that your introduction should be clear and should tell your reader where your heart lies in this particular topic.

9 – Follow a format

Remember the tabular structure we made in the sixth step? We did so because you are supposed to maintain a certain format while writing your essay. It does not have to tabular, but it should follow a certain structure of paragraphs which makes it easier for the reader to read and understand your main idea.

10 – Get your essay reviewed

Yes, this is an important step many students tend to skip but you should never skip it. Once you feel your essay is ready to go to the teacher, take a pause and first send it to a friend, classmate or a beta reader for their opinions. Now they might have different opinions about the topic. They might even support the idea of which you are against in your essay. And I am not asking you to get influenced by their ideas. All you need to ask them is if your essay is easy to follow and if the main idea is clear enough for anybody to understand. They might agree or disagree and continue to give their opinion on your idea. However, politely decline this conversation and let them know that you are not open to this discussion yet. Accept that what you have written is your own thoughts and you are not answerable to anyone. The only reason I want you to go through this step is because you have to make sure that the essay is not confusing at any point. Get your essay written from EssaySupply.

Now that I have dictated the ten golden rules or tricks of writing a kickass argumentative essay on MATLAB assignment help, I hope that you will use these to craft out your own argumentative essay assignment and that, you will not hesitate to write it in class. I wish you all the best and keep coming back for more.

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