Daily Bulletin

Demystifying the Digital Industry Jargon with Helium

  • Written by Renae Smith

Many digital agencies get carried away with their industry jargon. It can often sound like they’re speaking to you in a different language. This may not have mattered ten years ago, but in today’s tech-savvy world organisations, corporations, CEOs and entrepreneurs, to name a few, will likely find themselves needing to work closely with a digital agency at some point. 

We sat down with Brad Amos and Justin McGregor from Helium, a digital agency committed to using plain English in all aspects of their business, to help demystify some of the most commonly used terms and phrases in the digital world.

Brad, what the hell are ‘UI’ and ‘UX’ and why do people keep saying it to me?

BA: ‘UI’ stands for User Interface. These are the actual things the user sees and interacts with when they view your site, use your app or visit your physical location, such as icons and animation. ‘UX’ stands for User Experience. This refers to the user’s whole experience when using a business’ product, service, website or application. For example, was the site easy to use and interact with, was the information readily available, did the customer feel satisfied that they were able to accomplish their goal by going to your site? Basically, how was the experience for the user?

UI and UX are different things but they are both crucial and work closely together to create a great experience for the user.

Retargeting… of course this has nothing to do with target practice, right?

BA: Retargeting is actually a great feature for customer reach. When someone on the internet views a website, banner ad or email and then interacts with that piece of advertising by clicking on it or sharing it with their friends, the retargeting feature ‘records’ this interaction and then ‘follows’ them around the internet, showing them future ads based on this past interaction.

For example, let’s say you clicked on an ad you saw for a house in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, had a look and then closed down your computer for the day. If that ad was enabled for ‘retargeting’, the next time you’re on a website with ads, you’re likely to be shown ones that relate to properties from the Eastern Suburbs.

In effect, retargeting is doing just what its name implies – it’s targeting a consumer again and again with advertising relevant to them based off information they’ve already engaged with.

 Multivariate testing… that sounds like something a doctor would be doing. What is it?

JM: ‘Multivariate’ refers to the process of testing different combinations of things. Websites and applications are made of changeable elements. Things such as pictures, headlines and banners can all be changed to form different combinations. And of course, in the same way I like chocolate and peanut butter and Brad likes chocolate and mint, different people will like different combinations.

Multivariate testing in digital marketing is just a way for clever marketers to test which of these combinations appeals to you when you visit their website or application. It allows them to learn what drives the highest engagement levels with their clients’ target audience and adapts their ads for higher conversion rates because it gives people more of what works specifically for them on a personal level. 

Front end, back end and middleware… now, it’s not a car, so what is it?

JM: It’s actually quite helpful to think of software applications like icebergs. Icebergs are extremely dangerous because only 10% of their massive bulk floats above the surface of the water. The other 90% is hidden beneath. 

Applying this to websites and applications, front end is all the stuff you see, tap, touch or interact with and the stuff that most people care about the most (like icons or emojis). It’s the experience… the fun bits! And it’s the 10% you can see.

Back end is all the stuff that happens in the background to make a website or application work (things like how to get that little button you’ve just pushed grab up the exact information that you want). This is the 90% that is hidden underneath all the cool things you can see. There’s a lot more of it, but as a user you’ll never really need to know it’s there.

The middleware is just the bits of code that allow the 10% and the 90% to talk to each other. This is the most ‘technical’ of all of the parts. It needs to work in sync with everything else, but it’s a lot more detailed!

Any suggestions for a regular old Joe trying to navigate the digital world?

BA: If you are working with a digital agency and they’re using tech-centric jargon, definitely interrupt and ask them to explain. No one outside of the tech world understands most of these words! A good agency will be able to explain it in a way that everyone understands.

About Helium: Helium is a Sydney based digital solutions team with a creative, intelligent and innovative approach to their clients’ online marketing. They are a boutique agency with a big agency pedigree on a mission to ensure the best possible results for their clients, while still speaking plain English.

5 Reasons Why Every Business Has An Absolute Need For SEO

  • Written by News Company

If you are an entrepreneur, then chances are you are already using digital marketing as part of your business strategy. If you haven’t included Search Engine Optimization, then you’re already left behind by the numerous competitions out in the market. To get ahead of the game, make sure you have a solid marketing plan, and that includes taking advantage of SEO.

SEO is what makes businesses, big or small, successful. There are lots of seo servicesyou can get for your company. But why is it that every business has an absolute need for SEO?

It Improves Website Visibility and Branding

It is more likely for people to click on a website that offers the information, product or services they need than clicking on paid advertisements that randomly pops in their screen. With SEO, you can reach your target audiences every time they to access data that answers their inquiries. If you have a good company working on your SEO, you’ll have better chances of landing an excellent spot in Search Engine Results Page and have people visiting your website that will eventually turn into customers.

Good SEO Comes with A Better User Experience

It is not enough to get the number one spot in SERPs. You may have the best ranking there is, but if you take user experience for granted, all your efforts will go to waste. The good thing is, SEO also gives the optimum user experience that will make your visitors, clients and partners’ time worthwhile.

It Acts as Your Business’ Asset

Many would agree that paid advertisements do yield quick results. According to Wordstream, more pay-per-click advertisements get more clicks than organic clicks. However, you do not need to pay for ads when you already have an excellent SEO to back you up. It works overtime and once you get a top position in SERPs, you rarely ever go down the throne. You get to build your website over time, get your brand recognized, build a network of users that will remain loyal and turn them into conversations.

You Can Get High ROIs

SEO takes time and needs funds to make it possible, but did you know that it is the best advertisement that receives the highest Return on Investment rate? This is a cost-effective marketing technique that is both affordable and effective. You can always get a professional to work on your business needs depending on your budget. By hiring SEO SERVICES offered by local companies, such as Hari Menon you can achieve custom-made SEO that will pay off in the long run.

Your Competitors are Doing It

One of the best reasons why your business needs SEO is the fact that everyone – including your competitors and well-established companies use it. If you wish to compete head-on, one of the things you should check are the things that make other businesses stand out from the crowd. There is a very high chance that your competitors have excellent SEO techniques. This will give them a head start, is the very reason why you should work on yours too.


There is no denying that a good SEO can give you the best results for your business. As an excellent long-term marketing strategy, you can yield better conversions and reap the rewards slowly but surely.




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