Daily Bulletin

Sydney’s transport modelling 60 years out of date and flawed

  • Written by Trevor Watson

Modelling used by the State government to forecast traffic flows when planning new transport infrastructure such as WestConnex, has not changed since the 1950 and is flawed, according to a leading traffic expert at the University of Sydney Business School.


Dr Michiel Bliemer, who is the Professor and Chair in Transport Network Modelling in the Business School’s Institute of Transport and Logistic Studies (ITLS), also says the government is aware that its modelling is based in “unrealistic assumptions of traffic flows”.


Dr Bliemer points to the financially troubled multibillion dollar Cross City Tunnel as an example of infrastructure built without a “realistic” understanding of the number of vehicles likely to use it each day.


“The models that are being used today are based on the same assumptions that we made in the 1950s when there was virtually no congestion,” said Dr Bliemer. These models still assume that congestion is very light and that queues are unlikely to form anywhere in the network.”


“It’s a bit like going to the supermarket. The 1950’s model assumes that there are always enough checkouts and that queues will never form. When it comes to our roads, that kind of assumption is no longer valid, especially in Sydney where we have a lot of congestion that impacts on travelling times and that cannot be predicted by the old model.”


Dr Bliemer says because the government, aware that its modelling is no longer valid, will often warn that its assumptions and the actual results may differ.


In addition, he says that governments in this state and throughout Australia usually refuse to disclose the assumptions they have used when assessing the demands on a major piece of public infrastructure.


“They say there are concerns about confidentiality, especially when toll roads are being built, but in other countries this process is completely transparent,” says Dr Bliemer. “I think you should always disclose all of your calculations and all of your forecasting because the public needs to know how taxpayer’s money is being spent.”


The modelling dilemma facing the government, according to Dr Bliemer, stems from the size and complexity of Sydney’s road networks.


“Sydney is a very complex network consisting of thousands of road sections and many origins and destinations that all need to be modelled,” he says.


“We have to be able to model the movements of 4 million people all at once. We need to know how many are moving from home to work or going shopping every single day. The model needs to predict how many people are using a single road and the travel times they face.”


Through his research, Dr Bliemer has been also to build a model that he believes is able to cope with the size and the complexity of Sydney’s transport network.


“I’ve been working for several years now on mathematical models that can actually handle very large scale networks like Sydney with its congestion and limitations in capacity and still, in a single day, deliver forecast resulting in better travelling times,” he said.


“These models have already been incorporated into our software and are now being used by the government in the Netherlands.”


“When forecasting the future, you will always be wrong, but you want to be as correct as possible,” Dr Bliemer concluded.

How to ensure your business stands out

  • Written by News Company

If you want to truly thrive in the competitive world of business, you will need to find creative ways to stand out from the crowd. Instead of falling in line with your industry peers, it is essential that you are forging your own path. Although this might feel like a risky maneuver, more often than not, taking risks is the best chance of securing unprecedented levels of success. That is why you should constantly strive to do something different. Below are three tips that will help you to make this happen.

Invest in your premises

If you are determined to take your business to the next level, it is vital that you invest in your premises. Failing to take this step will make it impossible for you to give your potential clients, investors, employees, and business partners a good first impression. That is why you need to ensure your company premises are clean, efficient, and attractive at all times. You also need be on the lookout for opportunities to stand out. For instance, you could work with an interior designer to update your aesthetic. While your competitors might opt for neutral colors and generic pieces of furniture, you could embrace a bold and creative interior. Another idea is to explore the benefits of VMS board hire, as this is a fantastic opportunity for your business to literally stand out. Instead of hoping that passersby will pay attention to your premises, you will be able to use attractive visuals to make sure they do.

Invest in your customer service

Along with investing in your premises, you should also be driving a lot of time, money, and effort, into improving your levels of customer service. High-quality customer service is the perfect way for you to stand out for all of the right reasons. You truly can’t put a price on word of mouth recommendations and genuine customer reviews, which is why you should work hard to achieve an edge on your industry peers. Perhaps you could make it a rule that your clients have the option of always dealing with the same employee every time they interact with your organization. Or, maybe you could set up a loyalty scheme that will reward customers who repeatedly provide you with sales. Whatever you decide, the most important thing is that you are giving your patrons something out of the ordinary to get excited about.

Invest in your customer feedback

Finally, you should invest in your customer feedback. In order to find out whether or not your business is having the desired impact, you will need to check in with your target audience on a regular basis. Not only is this a great way for you to identify any areas for improvement, but it is also the perfect chance for you to ask your clients why they chose your company over all of the other services available. If you receive the same answer every time, you will have identified your unique selling point. Consequently, you will have found the distinctive edge that you can push to the forefront of your marketing campaign, your employee training program, and your company ethos. Alternatively, if your customers are unsure about what it is you do differently, you will know that there is still plenty of changes to be made.

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