Daily Bulletin

Top Tips for Facebook Advertising in 2018

  • Written by News Company

Social media marketing is something that every single business should be doing in 2018. Keeping up with developments in tools, technology and best practices can be difficult, so many businesses out there aren’t optimising their Facebook marketing as well as they could be. If a business is wanting to optimise their marketing and advertising efforts on Facebook, having a digital marketing agency similar to AmazeLaw handle marketing campaigns can be greatly beneficial.


Make sure your Facebook advertising is as effective as possible by following this guide. Leave archaic techniques in the past and get ahead of your competitors.


Pay-to-play for best results


Business owners can be reluctant to pay for facebook advertising agencies, especially when they can post for free. However, paying for targeted ads is likely to make your social marketing at least twice as effective. Facebook’s targeting tools is more advanced than ever, so you have complete control and customisation over your audience, creative and budget. Remember that often in business, you have to spend money to make money.


Hire a Facebook agency


Hand the management of your social media marketing to experts in the field, to ensure you’ll receive the best return on your investment. Speak to a Facebook marketing agency in Melbourne or a local company to you and they’ll be able to offer a free quote. Professionals can create an effective campaign that aligns with your company goals and builds brand awareness, while boosting your traffic and sales.


Send your traffic to the right place


A State of Social 2018 report found that 94% of businesses are already paying for Facebook Ads. The question is - are they doing this effectively? Many businesses find that their traffic isn’t converting as well as they hoped and this could be down to where they’re sending that traffic. Create landing pages that tie in well with each individual Facebook campaign, to guide interested users to complete a sale.


A/B test campaigns


There’s no point in guessing the best approach for your business. Conduct tests with low budgets to find out what is working for you. Experiment with bids, copy and creative and use your findings when it’s time to scale-up. This is true when selecting the best call-to-action, headlines and target audiences, too. With enough testing, you’ll be able to draw results-driven conclusions and you could become a Facebook Ads expert!


Tell your story


Social media users get tired of seeing non-stop promotional content. What they want to see are the people behind the brand, your inspiration or the stories you have to tell. Telling a story can capture the interest of people and have your brand stand out against the mass of adverts on the platform. If you’re offering value and something unique to users, they’re more likely to click through to your site.

4 Great Escapes for Freelancers Within The Home

  • Written by News Company

Just like anybody else in the working world, freelancers need to take a break from work once in a while. The advantage that remote workers have over those working in more traditional working environments is that they can put their feet up whenever they like, and chill out at home until they are ready to work again. This is one of the many reasons the freelance life is sought after.


But on those busy work days when getting out the house isn’t an option, freelancers still need a space to take a break that is within their four walls. Here are four great examples of ways to escape the writing desk within the home:


Enjoying Your Lunch Break


Imagine what the office boss would say if, when taking your lunch break, you crashed on a sofa and watched an episode of Breaking Bad. It probably wouldn’t go down so well, so it’s just as well you’re a freelancer who can do whatever you like. Take pleasure from the little things, like the ability to be a couch potato once in a while, and enjoy your lunch breaks in maximum comfort before heading back to the grind. You should also invest in some great kit, such as a big screen TV and something cool to put it on. You can find the latter at https://www.retrodesigns.com.au.


Enjoy the Garden


During those warmer days, there’s no better way to take a break from work than sitting in the garden with an ice-cold drink and embracing all that is good with the world. The garden should be seen as the perfect escape from the working day without having to wander out to the local park.


When you’re not working, take the time to optimise your garden for taking breaks. Get plenty of flowers and plants growing, some nice furniture to sit on, and do whatever you can to attract local wildlife, in the form of the birds and the bees. A tranquil garden will set you up nicely for when you head back to the home office.


Make the Kitchen Your Friend


Many freelancers become domestic gods or goddesses because of the amount of time they spend at home. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn a new skill while you work, and one of the most popular is learning how to be a better cook. There aren’t many better ways to take your mind off your work than spending a bit of time prepping your meals or using your downtime to read up on recipes you’ve got your mind (and taste buds) on.


Create a Home Workout Space


Working from home can be deadly for the waist, as the commute to work is taken away and the ability to keep your own hours means that you focus more on getting clients and your work completed than tracking your calories and going to the gym. In order to kill a few birds with one stone, why not invest in converting a space in your home into a workout space. This way, you can spend time away from work burning calories, rather than drinking tea and eat biscuits on the sofa, even if that does sound like more fun, and a lot less painful.

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