Daily Bulletin

Top Tips for Successfully Starting Your Own Business

  • Written by News Company

Starting your own business is a huge step. It means you must take on several roles at once. You must be the manager, the head of sales, the tech guy, the marketing guy and that you must do these things all at once. You can only start to take a step back once your new business is on its feet, and you have people you trust in all the different roles. Before you can get to that stage of success, however, you must first make it through your first year. Follow these top tips, however, and you will be better prepared and better able to succeed.


Know the Industry

The first aspect that anyone starting a new business needs to consider is knowing the industry. If you have been working within said industry for years, if not decades, then you already have all the insider’s knowledge you need to start crafting a successful business plan. If, on the other hand, you have the investment capital and a great idea, but no direct experience, you will want to hold off. Either partner with someone who is an expert in the industry, or work within it for a few years. Going in without knowing what the industry is like, what the standards are, and challenges is a sure-fire way to pay dearly for every mistake you make on the job. Know what you are getting into before you start, and you can better succeed.


Create a Business Plan

Once you know the industry, including who’s who, what trends are applicable to your business, and even how you might be able to revolutionize the industry in question, then you can move on to the business plan. Business plans should be short, concise, but have the direction you need to succeed. It is far too easy to get caught up in the moment, or to over plan, which is why a simple business plan that will help you better direct your efforts, based on knowledge you have gained from studying and researching your competition, is the best course of action.


Create Your Business Design

Whether you are online or have a real store, you must focus on the design. Design is critical to everything because it is only through smart and effective design that you can attract customers. This applies to your homepage on your website, and it applies to your in-store look. Take the restaurant industry, for example, the better the design, the more attractive it is to new customers. You need to entice people inside your restaurant before they can be impressed with your food or service. That is why you need to choose restaurant furniture and aesthetics that do accurately represent the brand you want to envisage. If your designs are exceptionally effective, you might even benefit from social media exposure.

There are many steps on your road to success, but you must first ensure that you know what you are getting into, that you have planned accordingly, and that you have the design to attract new customers. From there it is all about marketing and providing the best customer service possible to help spread the word about your business by word-of-mouth.

How To Get Great SEO Results When You Have A Tight Budget

  • Written by News Company

All businesses will have a budget when it comes to digital marketing and most small businesses will have a fairly tight budget to work with. In a world with increasing competition you need to ensure your business does enough to stand out from the rest and reach those sales targets.

A lot of businesses have looked towards SEO for assistance. SEO is instrumental in getting businesses more visible online. But, like a lot of things in life, professional SEO doesn’t come free and many small businesses may not have the budget for an SEO firm.

While you can do SEO yourself, you need to be very careful with your actions because you could possibly do more harm then good. So make sure you do enough research before you get stuck in.

Once you come into a more stead stream of cash flow, look to hire a professional. SEO tactics aren’t just a bit technical, but they also take a significant amount of time.

While you may be able to preform proper SEO from an SEO agency, that really isn’t your job and it could make more sense to hand the job over to the professionals while you get back to what you do best.

So lets take a look below at some of the ways you can get great SEO results, even if you have a tight budget:

1. Backlinks

Backlinks are an essential component of off page SEO and a significant chunk of your time needs to be spent here. You need to note however, that the nature of backlinks has changed quite a lot over the past couple of years.

While a couple of years ago, Google and other search engines saw any and all backlinks as a good sign; this is no longer the case these days. Google especially is cracking down on poor quality backlinks and penalising websites accordingly.

Your backlinks need to be from high quality and relevant websites to yours. For example, if you are a cupcake business you wouldn’t want a link from a sports equipment website – you would want a link from a party planning website instead.

The problem that most people have with backlinking is that anyone can put a link to your website on theirs and you could still receive a penalty. This is where negative SEO comes in and it is a real grey area.

When websites are purposely looking to damage your reputation in the eyes of Google by getting your website linked to spammy and unrelated websites, there unfortunately isn’t a lot you can do. But you can ask Google to disavow those harmful links.

By using Google’s Disavow Tool and giving Google a list of the harmful links, you are asking them to simply ignore those links and not count them towards your backlink profile. However, this tool is very powerful and you need to be confident that you do not want those links attached to your website.

2. Keywords

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. One of the first things you should do is choose your keywords – but you will need to do so wisely because choosing the wrong keywords can actually be quite costly.

As well as this, your SEO doesn’t just revolve around the keywords; you will need to build up from there in order to see the results you a looking for. Think about creating engaging and evergreen content based on your keywords as well as specifically targeting your desired audience.

While it can be tempting to only target competitive keywords, this isn’t the way to go. Instead, look for a mix of competitive and non-competitive keywords. Even though the non-competitive words have a less search volume, those searching for that keyword are looking for something in particular and you could be it.

3. Images

Images are great to have on your website, it can really help to bring your website to life. With 65% of people in the world said to be visual learners, this is something you need and should be capitalising on with every single page on your website.

But you can’t just upload an image and call it a day – you will need to optimise it as well! There are a couple of elements you need to look at when optimising your images:

  • * Image tag – this is what will be displayed when a user’s curser hovers over the image. You should use keywords here to further hone in on your strategy.

  • * Alt text – this is what search engines see and users only see if there is an issue with the image being displayed. Again here look to choose relevant and important keywords so search engines can get a better understand as to what the picture is (search engine bots can’t read pictures!).




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